Part-11 (THE QUEST)

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Curtain rises!!!

"Unknown: Yes I do have abducted them.
Zach: Why?? What's there mistake?
Unknowm: Hahahahaha..
Zach: Stop giggling!! Just say why did you abducted them? What is the ransom?
Unknown: No ransom!! You have to do my work.
Zach: What kind of work?
Unknown: Tomorrow I will call you at 10:00 am.?
Zach: ....
Unknown: You're scared?
Zach: I have a condition!!
Unknown: I am the kidnapper not you.
Zach: I will do your work. But you wont touch them.
Unknown: Of course!!
Zach: Can I talk to them?"
(Our conversation is over. He dropped the call)

Who is he? And what mistake did Zelina and Nia committed? I was awake whole night. And was just trying to figure out who he might be?

It was 10:00 am. My phone rang!!!
And he started saying.

"Unknown: Hahaha
Zach: Fuck you man!
Unknown: Have you heard of  St. Patrick International School?
Zach: Yes!
Unknown: Go to that school. And you will find a peon and his name would be Sebastian. He would deliver a packet that you have to deliver. And I will call you where do you have to deliver.
Zach: Ok.
Unknown: You can take your time. But if you dont reach school in 45 minutes. Zelina is too hot to handle
Zach: No no. I will reach.
Unknown: Tick Tock!!
(I dropped the call. And said to my mom that I was going with Finn)

I took the key of my bike. And started my ride. I could ride as fast as I can. The traffic started. And it would've taken 45 minutes just for the traffic to clear! There was a mall beside. I left my bike. And started running. I ran as fast as I can!!! It was like a marathon. I was running. It has been 10 minutes. My lungs would've blasted!! I saw a taxi! I hired it. And sat in it! That guy was a good guy. He served me water what he had and then I had relief.

I reached the school. I was finding Sebastian. And he was nowhere. I asked the co-ordinator of that school. And he was saying there is no peon with the name Sebastian.

What the fuck he lied to me! But why? My phone rang

"Unknown: Chill Zach chill.
Zach: Are you fucking insane?
Unknown: I was just checking whether you really love Zelina!
Zach: Ofcourse I do!! She is my life!!
Unknown: Aww!! But you have to go through a lot of test.
Zach: Spit it out.
Unknown: Tomorrow 7:30am at joggers park. You will find someone in unusual clothes. He will give you a slip. And a packet you have to deliver it! To the address given in the slip!
Zach: okay"

It was 7:00am. And I reached the joggers park at 7:15am. And I was just jogging and looking anyone dress unusually! I saw someone and he was literally unusually dressed. He was wearing a tuxedo and jogging. I ran and started running beside him and asked where is the parcel? He handed me a slip and a parcel. And in the slip it was written '98/87 tormansville, New South Wales'.

I went to the parking lot. Took my bike and I started to ride. A car was entering in the wrong way. And why on earth is he entering? He came and tried to overtake my bike but the tyre crashed with my tyre and my bike is crashed with a barricade. I am not injured, neither the bike. But the parcel was open. And some whitish powder was dropping. I kneeled down and took it onto my fingers. Tasted it. It was... It was DRUGS!!

Curtain falls!!!

Stay tuned for what happens next!!! Comment below what's gonna happen next!! Keep smiling!!

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