Reaper Smut/Lemon

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Reaper X Female Reader
This was a request from wub-a-luba-dub-dub
"Ahh another day, more time to spend with my love!" I woke up groggy but was very happy. I'm usually a very positive and optimistic person. But Reaper is something else. Now I knew what people meant by opposites attract. I got dressed in my red flowing dress and black heels. I did my hair and decided not to wear makeup. The sun was bright and there was a light breeze as I walked outside. I sat on my porch. It was too early for Reaper to be up. He was more of a night owl than early bird. The sky was filled with clouds different shapes and sizes. Cars were driving their way to work, kids were walking to school, birds were chirping. Everything was good. I saw my neighbor and she waved towards me. "Hey Y/N!"
"Hey Nalia!" She walked over towards me. Her short black hair was shining in the sun. Her face had a natural shine, with her bright brown eyes. "How are you and your boyfriend?" She smiled. "We are doing well, he is just him you know and I'm me. How about Tayana?" She looked down and blushed. "You did ask her right?" She had a huge crush on her best-friend but never told her. "I tried I really did but it's so hard!" I laughed. Soon I heard my familiar ring tone from my phone. "Oh I have to go, you better ask her. I'm sure she likes you as much as you do!" I smiled. "Thanks Y/N I'll try again." She walked back to her house as I walked into mine. I smiled when I saw Reapers name "Yay! Reaper is awake." I quickly picked up.
"How's my little shadow doing?"
"Just waking up, how's my sunshine doing?"
"I was sitting on the porch, and just admiring the beautiful day."
"The day is ok. But I have to work. Ugh."
Every time he is grouchy I always laugh. Sometimes I think he does it just to make me laugh. But it makes me love him more.
"Do you haveee tooo." I whined.
"Hmph fine."
"Well I gotta go."
"Ok text me when you are ready to come over."
I hung up and got from the porch grabbing my bag. I'm just going to go shopping today. I bought a few things, new accessories, a few jackets and shirts. Some black jeans and food of course. I got these soft pretzels and I swear I was about to marry them. Then I drove back home when I got a text. (Don't text and drive kids.) I looked over since it was a red light and someone wasn't happy.
Mission failed, Sombra again.
Awh. She always messes up, I don't know what's her deal. I arrived home and went inside. I saw a bottle of vodka opened and empty. I locked the door and walked towards the living room. Reaper held an empty glass. "Babe are you ok?"
"I was so close." He threw the glass on the floor. I jumped but came towards him. I felt his face and all the scars around it. "I know how to make you happy." He looked up confused. I went in for a kiss and he went along. I tasted the vodka on his lips. I ran my hands down his body to his pants. Soon I pulled away and unzipped his pants. But he stopped me. "Y/N no." He gripped my hand but guided me to my room. "Take off that dress." He ordered. I did what was told also taking off my heels leaving me in my black lace underwear. "Why are you so beautiful?" I smiled and gestured for him to come over. He came over and unhooked my bra. Letting one in his mouth. While his hands held me towards the bed. He placed me down then started to travel my body with kisses and hickeys. He reached my panties and slid them off throwing them somewhere in the room. He grabbed my hips pulled them forward pushing my vagina towards his lips. He gave it a kiss then gave a long lick, causing a moan to escape from my mouth. He looked up at me a smirked. He continued to lick then forced his tongue into me, this was new. But I liked it and he heard that from my moans. After going down on me he got up. "Hmm I wanna do something."
"What is that?"
"Play with yourself."
"You heard me."
I started to rub my clit in circles biting my lip. I heard Reaper undo his pants and started to jerk off. He was clearly enjoying this. I slid a finger in me sliding in and out. I moaned aloud then I stopped.
"Why'd you stop."
"I want you."
He smiled.
"You could've asked earlier."
"Oh my gosh seriou-"
He slid inside me causing me to gasp by his size and him grunt. "Mmm you know how to make me shut up."
"And I know how to make you scream." He replied. He really is something else. He pumped into me getting faster and sloppier as we continued moaning together. "Reaper uh fuck I'm about to cum."
"Just wait I'm almost there baby."
He started to give his last few when I was trying my best to hold it in. He gave one last pump in me and we both cummed together. We both sighed and fell into the sheets. "You really know how to make me happy." He grinned over to me. "And you really know how to make me scream." We both laughed. I rested my head onto his chest trailing my fingers over his abs while his hand held my thighs. Then we both fell asleep.
I hoped you enjoyed this one. Request character you'd like. Now I'm going to eat pizza lol. Byeee ❤️

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