Ch. {3} ★

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I woke up in a cold sweat, I looked around, I saw Paul and Pat on the ground, asleep. I let out a sigh of relief, then I heard a muffled scream. I turned to the direction of the scream, I stood up and went towards the place I heard it. I walked a bit, then I heard low groans, I hid behind a tree. I looked around it, I saw the three again, I couldn't see there faces though. I saw a makeshift fire pit on the ground with some backpacks up against the trees. I heard more groans, I leaned out a bit further so I could see better. I saw the three with there backs to each other, all holding different weapons. There were, who knows how many, zombies surrounding them. I looked up, I noticed a branch close to me, I grabbed onto it and climbed up a bit.

I sat on a decently high branch, I wrapped my legs around the branch and leaned backwards. I took my shotguns out of their holsters, and aimed at the zombies. I started to shoot down most of them, I heard another gun go off. I continued shooting the zombies down until they were basically all gone. I suddenly heard Paul's voice "Dang, that was close..." I stayed where I was. I kept my aim on any of the zombies, in case of any movement. I saw Paul walk towards to group of three, he looked at the ground. Then he glanced up at the branch I was on, he put up his hand then lowered it. I stopped aiming my shotguns and sighed in relief. I let my arms become loose, I didn't let go of them though. Paul then turned on his heel towards the group, he waved at them.

"Hi, I'm Pat!" The one in green walked forward and put his hand out. "Hi, I'm Edd!" I froze in place and gulped, I whisper-yelled to myself. "Shit.." I saw Paul turn his head, he raised his hand and signalled something behind me. I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head, I leaned back and looked behind myself. I then felt a wave of pain go up my spine. I raised my arms back to my sides and put my shotguns back in their holsters. I let my arms drop down again, I felt my legs become loose. I unwrapped my legs from the branch entirely, I fell to the ground. I landed in a handstand, I leaned my legs forward and flipped up to my feet. I tilted a bit to far back though, I was about to fall then I felt something grab my leg.

I glanced at who had my leg, it was Pat, I let out a sigh of relief. Then I saw him smirk, he let go of my leg making me fall and hit my head on the ground. I curled up slightly "You piece of-" Pat cut me off. "Don't even, it's your fault for leaving without telling either of us.." I sat up and rubbed my head. "Fine, sorry.. You didn't have to make me like, stab my head with a rock though.." I heard Paul gasp. "PAT, DID YOU JUST HURT MY CHILD?!" I looked up at Pat and mouthed 'You are so screwed man'. He glanced down at me and mouthed 'Definitely' Paul went up and kneeled by my side. He poked my head, I turned and growled at him, he glared at Pat. "Great, he's acting like an animal now!" Pat glanced at me and winked, I smiled and winked back, Pat sighed.

"Well, I guess we might need that leash then, right?" Paul glanced at me, I growled again. I felt eyes on the back of my head, I glanced to the side, Pat followed. I was met with two huge brown eyes, I mumbled under my breathe. "Shit.." Paul sighed and face palmed, "At least he's speaking English and not his mother tongue..." I heard Pat wheeze. Paul got up and got in front of him "Pat, I swear to God!" I sighed. Then got up in the middle of them both, "Oh, my God.. Just kiss and make up already.. Paul, I'm fine.. Pat, you actually made me hit a rock.. I can't feel it though.." Paul and Pat looked at me, both of their faces were almost pure red. I smirked and whispered "I know you guys play twister on the bed~.." Pat nearly fell over wheezing.

Paul's entire face was redder than a tomato, I chuckled at that. I felt a small tap on my shoulder, I turned to be met with two blue eyes. "Heya Tord!" I froze, I heard Paul and Pat gasp, probably from him using my actual name. "H-Hi.." the word stretched out slightly, I noticed him poke the muzzle. "Why is he wearing this?" Paul sighed "Cause he was infected.." I heard a gun get loaded. I looked behind Matt to see Edd, holding the person in blue's arms above their head. They were holding a pistol in one of there hands, I gulped. I glanced to the side to see Pat and Paul whispering to each other. I heard Edd yell "Don't you dare think about shooting him!" I was lightly pushed toward them by Matt. I kept walking forward until I was beside them both, I waved lightly.

Edd got the gun out of the blue male's hand, he waved at me then elbowed the blue male. I took a deep breath in "Hello, Edd.." Edd looked at me, he looked like he was about to cry.

I then turned and looked at the blue male, "Hello.."


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