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Secrets are always the poison in any relationship, no matter how few or small they were they'll always come around to haunt you, to torture you, parting ways with people makes those secrets bigger, scarier, and all the more destructive.

It was the weekend of their wedding, everyone was staying in the cramped up church they rented for the wedding, Spencer never thought that anyone but her four friends would show up, she wasn't sure if they would show up either, since she traveled away after the A fiesta to DC to continue her studies as a lawyer she hasn't looked back that much, she still talked to the girls from time to time though.
To her knowledge Hanna and Caleb had a little kid named Iris, she remembers the tiny blue eyed Caleb mini version because she got to spend the first 5 months of her life with her.
As for Emily and Alison, they were supposed to have their wedding before hers but they suddenly changed their minds without giving anyone a reason why.
Aria and Ezra were planning an adoption but she doesn't know how that went.
Finally her family, both her siblings Jason and Melissa were outside the states doing God knows what, Charlotte was released from Welby and hasn't been a problem to any of them since then, even when the uber A shit went down she had nothing to do with it, she just stayed home studying and taking her meds Alison made sure of that, but she sent everyone an invitation anyway.
Alex on the other hand was off the radar both her and Mary, Mona was off the radar too until she reached out to her asking if they could meet in privet, things went all over the place since then and she vaguely remembers inviting her with a plus one to her wedding.
Toby had invited some of his own friends from work and school, but she never thought it'll get this crowded or she would've rented a bigger church.
Both her parents were there, she wasn't surprised when her dad brought a date with him, he'd been on a women spree since the divorce, which just made her even madder because how dare he, he did that to them himself, cheating and lying a thousand times to them, he shouldn't get to be happy with anyone.
Even though her mother said that she was ok after the divorce and that it was for the best and that it should've happened a long time ago, Spencer could clearly see through her mother's bullshit, she was breaking apart barely holding on, no matter how much of an ass her dad was she knew that Veronica loved him, she never knew why really but she knew that she did.
Even Kenneth DiLaurentis showed up for some reason, she didn't even want to know why, she hated the man and his fucked up behavior with everyone around him but she was way too stressed and way too worried about the possibility of her wedding going down in flames to care.
The wedding was in 2 days and she still had no word on the flowers or the cake! She was freaking out, and when Spencer Hastings freaks out everything around her turns into chaos.

Toby was sitting down on the couch outside his shared bedroom with Caleb, his head in his hands having the most painful headache he had since he tried understanding what went down with Alex Drake five years ago.
Hanna insisted that Toby and Spencer sleep in separate bedrooms until the wedding because it was bad luck or something he wasn't really listening.
She just pushed her husband towards him, and pulled Spencer away, it was amusing at first but now he really needed his fiancé with him, he thought about calling her but knowing Spencer shed be mad at him if he called regarding anything but an emergency.
It was his wedding day too, he wanted reassurance, his roommate got married while fighting a psychopathic cyber bully without a second thought, and he really didn't want to think that his hesitation and freak-out is because he loves Spencer any less than Caleb loves Hanna, but he was starting to doubt everything right now, and having the love of his life with him at this moment was his best option, and he knew how selfish that sounded, he saw how freaked out Spencer was about everything, and he put his brave, clam face on for her, but it's starting to crack, bad.
Just when he was about to say 'fuck it' and go talk to Spencer he saw the second best person he could seek comfort from after his wife to be, Emily Fields, his best friend, first girlfriend and the she really gives incredible advice, she was walking down the hall, desperately trying to call someone.
"Em!" he ran up to her cutting whatever attempt she was having to call whoever it was for the fifth time.
"Toby, hey" she seemed surprised and a bit flustered "what are you doing here? Aren't you like supposed to be down at the bar?" tilting her head adorably, defiantly a trait she picked up from Alison.
"Yeah, I just kinda got overwhelmed, I really need to talk to you Em" he said hurriedly like he was scared he'd get caught or something, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion she said "yeah sure what's going on?"

"I know I'm not usually this guy, actually I'm never this guy unless I was in front of Spencer.."
"Toby what's going on?"
"I'm scared Em, I know I should be the brave party in all of this and show her that everything would be ok but I can't, I'm freaking out Emily and I can't tell her that or she'll freak-out even more hence a super freaked Spencer which is way worse than no caffeine Spencer believe me"
"all right calm down, first of all you don't have to be brave you're a detective that's enough bravery for a life time" she nudged him with a small chuckle "and you're right freaked-out Spencer is a nightmare, I'm glad you came to me honestly I needed the distraction anyway"
"Why what's going on?" his burrows furrowed instantly with an exaggerated serious tone he said "do you need me to arrest anyone?"
"Well if you can arrest my future father in law for being a pain in the ass that'll be great" the brunette sighed with a hopeful smile
"believe me if I could I would've done it that first night he bailed on Ali, she might not be my favorite person but no one bails on their kid like that, I've been through it and it's ugly"
"Your mother never bailed on you Toby you know that"
"I wasn't talking about her... Anyway what did the dirt bag do now?"
"well he came to the wedding uninvited and he's harassing my fiancé about getting an abortion like he even cares" Emily hated Kenneth that's for sure, every time she mentioned him she had a disgusted look on her face as if she smelled something nasty, and Toby couldn't blame her, that man was despicable.
"You want me to get rid of him for you?" his voice was both sympathetic and protective at the same time, it was impressive really.
"I really didn't want to bother you or Spencer on your wedding weekend, it's fine Tobes I was just calling the court to see if I can file a restarting order sooner than later before you saw me, just relax I've got it under control" he smiled fondly at his best friend, it was so Emily like to take every problem under her own hand without letting anyone help her, she was always highly self-dependent, since the very first day he met her, something's never change.
"I know you do, but I want to get rid of him too, so I'm helping whether you like it or not, ok neighbor?" he fixated her with a halfhearted stern look, until she laughed and agreed.
"Fine, but I get to do the insulting"
"You got that" he chuckled, leave it to Emily Fields to cheer him by giving him something else to do.

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