Cece & Melissa

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She walked in with a long designer coat her sunglasses pushed up in her brown short hair, her expensive perfume filing the church's reception hall, Melissa Hastings was as enchanting as ever. Right behind her grunting with frustration and a jumble of blond hair that still looks perfect and untouched even with the heavy luggage she's pulling in with her, Charlotte walked up to her fiancé and huffed in annoyance, like always Melissa walked in and left her with all the heavy duty, she can't be mad at her though, Melissa makes it up to her in every other way possible, literally. The brunette gives her a tiny peck on her lips with a small smirk once Charlotte stands next to her muttering a quite 'hey babe'.Charlotte rolls her eyes fondly with fake annoyance "I hate you sometimes" she huffs "Sure you do" Melissa's smirk widens as she finishes the paper work with the front desk worker.

"Two keys please" Melissa returns the single key he gave her signaling the young boy to give her another one. The boy looks at her funny and makes some snarky comment under his breath about lesbians taking over. Melissa tries to ignore him because it's her younger sister wedding weekend and she really wants to spend the first two days shackled up in bed with her fiancé instead of getting into petty fights with ignorant assholes. But apparently Charlotte has other ideas, as she dangerously approaches the man behind the desk giving him a death stare that Melissa has only witnessed twice, none of were directed at her, thank God. "what did you just say" Charlotte growls, her voice low and if Melissa was being honest a bit terrifying, which did not help with her libido she was beyond turned on at this point, scared and wants to break this fight apart, but turned on nothing less.

"babe" she says softly, lightly touching the golden haired woman's arm, she really just wants to go up to their bedroom, there's also the part where no one but Veronica knows about her and Charlotte and she definitely didn't plan on telling them like this. But Charlotte doesn't budge, she set her mind on putting this prick in his place and as sexy as it was, Melissa knew how worked up and how sensitive Charlotte actually is to those assholes, she hates how much what they say affects her, and she wants to kill every single one of them that has ever upset her girl, but right now is just not the right time. Thankfully though the boy doesn't answer he just pushes the two keys in Melissa's direction and walks away without making eye contact with her furious fiancé, smart Melissa thinks. " I hate those disgusting straight assholes" Charlotte growls turning to face Melissa, her eyebrows furrowed and Melissa swears she can see actual steam coming out of her head.

Melissa couldn't help but smile lovingly at the girl in front of her, when they first met, Melissa was just a six year old girl that wanted to pick up apples with her parents, and Charlotte was Charlie, the most charming, most captivating seven year old little boy Melissa has ever met in her whole life, they kept meeting up on different occasions like a fairy-tale dream, her secret knight that kept showing up out of nowhere.

Melissa has never believed in love at first sight until she fell for the blonde in front of her, little Charlie was so feminine and soft, she loved it. She remembers the day Charlie finally confessed to her that he felt like a she, that his insides never matched his outsides, she remembers him telling her about his dad Kenneth and how much he hated him for wanting to be a girl, she remembers how much she herself hated Kenneth back then, and even now, she remembers how excited and happy she was for the girl she loved and deep down knew was trapped in Charlie's body to come out, she remembers how her reaction made Charlotte cry with happiness and hug her tight whispering a quite ' thank you' into her ear, she remembers the shiver that ran up her spine at that moment, she remembers falling in love. Because ever since that day, nothing Charlotte ever said or have done could shake that feeling away, even when she found out that she was the infamous A her feelings remained as strong as ever, increasing with every second.

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