Chapter 3: Outside the Box

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Chapter 3: Outside the Box

"Bye honey, have a good day!" My mother yells out the car window and I laugh, waving over my shoulder. I look around the front school yard for Harry and Louis but see them nowhere. I start to walk forward when someone tugs my back by my elbow, and I spin around to see the two I was looking for.

"How rude, you weren't going to wait for us?" Harry jokes with eyebrows raised, me giggling.

"Sorry Haz." I pout and he laughs, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"It's alright Rosie." He says quietly, and I smile and lean into his side. "By the way, you really shouldn't change in front of your window." He whispers in my ear and I feel my face heat up and blush. I slap his arm and he pouts. "Hey, at least I had the decency to look away!" He laughs and I scowl, my face still bright red.

"Shut up Harry." I mutter as he laughs, then turning my attention away from him. "So what's up, Louis?" I ask the boy who had been standing, watching the entire interaction without a word. He snaps out of his staring phase and smiles.

"Nothing much. We should probably go inside though..." He says, nodding his head towards the students walking inside. He walks ahead as Harry and I walk next to eachother with no contact, as usual.


The day passed swimmingly, and I walked home with Harry and the boys, who were all in good spirits.

At 4 I decide to go to the bakery in town, and I text Harry to see if he wants to come along.

To: Harry 4:02
I'm heading to the bakery, wanna come?

I lounge around my living room for 15 minutes without a response before deciding to leave without him.


I shove my hands in my pockets as I walk out of the little shop, thanking the woman once more as I exit. I walk down the narrow sidewalk, passing the small shops and brick buildings until I hear the sounds I can only familiarize with a fight and punches. Large black iron gates guard the ally for garbage cans for the shops, although they are pushed open and unlocked. Curiously, I peer in as I pass, stopping dead in my track when I see him.

Harry throws repetitive punches into a guy's gut and face. I've never seen him that angry. He doesn't even look like himself. He looks like something has taken over his body. His eyes look black from a few feet away, his face twisted in fury.

Coming to my senses, I lunge to him and wrap my arms around him, but he pushes me off with no notice. "Harry stop!" I scream, my eyes tearing from the sight of the blood. He hesitates for a moment, his arm stopping in mid air, and I take the opportunity to pull him back and jump in between him and the guy, pushing my hands against his chest.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER, GOT IT? STAY THE FUCK AWAY!" He screams over my shoulder, still not acknowledging my presence.

"Harry please stop!" I beg with tears streaming down my face, and he finally looks at me, his eyebrows furrowing and his face softening for a moment.

"Rose..." He says softly before his expression hardens and becomes as angry as before as he pulls me out of the alley. "What the fuck are you doing here! Why the fuck didn't you text me? Rose what the hell were you thinking coming in here!?! I could've fucking punched you!" He screams in my face, only making me cry more. I've never been scared of him in my life until now.

And that makes me tear my arms out of his rough grasp and sprint. Sprint away from him and away from his out of control anger. Luckily, my sudden movement stunned him and he didn't run after me for a few seconds, even then still unable to catch up. I run all the way home, not caring about the weird looks I get from people until I'm safe inside my house with the doors locked.

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