Rasul: Baby, get the girls so they can sleep with usMe: No boy CHanel sleeps too damn wild with her lil chunky ass.
And you are supposed to be on the couch
Rasul: shut yo ass up! i need all my babies in my bed
He kissed me on the side of my face, and popped my butt. i got up and got the girls from their beds. Of course they weren't sleeping, they were up with their books and flashlights
Me: WHat are yall in here doing ?
Chanel: Nothing papi, she said trying to hide the flashlight.
I leaned up against the doorway and folded my arms
Me: Mhm, what are you reading over there Ms.Celine ?
Celine: Finding Dory
Me: Okay, well how about we watch the movie
Chanel: But papi. Papa said we cant have a tv in our room yet
Me: Sooooo You can come in our room
They jumped up out them damn beds so fast. Celine hopped up on my back and Chanel held on to one leg. I carried them that way.
When we got to our bedroom, Rasul wasn't there.
Before i could flick the light on, he jumped from behind the door making us all scream
Me: stop boy ! you almost gave me a heart attack
Celine: Yes papa, me too !
Rasul: Im sorry beautiful
He kissed us all
He leaned down and boosted the girls up on our high ass bed. They were laughing hard as hell.
Rasul: Every friday, is family day okay. Idc what we do we have to do something fun that friday and we have to watch a movie to end the night
Me: I like that
THe girls were dancing around screaming hurray !
We turned Finding Dory on. Rasul and i Cuddled. Celine laid between us on top of the covers and Chanel laid across her daddys big belly.
I probably lasted about 20 minutes and i was out like a light. When i poked my head up from my sleep when the movie went off, everybody was snoring and thrown all over the damn place. I turned the Tv off and i laid my head back down to go to sleep .
Bitch i just knew i was dreaming, aint no fucking FBI at my door this time of night with no fuck shit
A loud as crash alarmed us all ! The front door came breaking into a million pieces.
20 FBI agents, with guns and body armor stormed in or home. Tracking dirt on my white carpet, knocking shit over, got my plants and pictures on the fucking ground.
Me: Rasul, Rasul Get up its the cops
Rasul:Aint no fucking cops boy go to sleep
Just then, a big nigga kicked our bedroom door open waving guns in our face and flashlights. My daughters were screaming at the top of their lungs, They aren't used to no shit like this.
Rasul got up and went into Riot mode. He started socking niggas , knocking them to the ground and causing more agents to jump on him. Chanel is truly her father's child because she started punching the cop hitting on her dad. But i'm guessing the sargent dickhead in charge called order because they all backed up off of him, picking him up to his feet with handcuffs behind his back.