Brown Eyes

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Character: Duncan Quagmire
Series: Series of Unfortunate Events
Type: Short

(Wow you guys really like Duncan)
Soul Mate AU in which only your soulmates eye's have colour.

So many of my friends have come telling me how beautiful their boy/girlfriends eyes were.

"They are perfectly blue, like crystals, or the ocean."

"The green compliments their hair beautifully."

"In the dark it's like chocolate, but in sun it's like honey."

Now, I wouldn't no how to describe an eye, except for, it's basically a void in your head which allows you to see.

Obviously, I have not met my "soulmate", I'm even doubting that one for me actually exists. And if they do, there is no way they would be going to this terrible school.

I do remember that I will die, everyday. Just let me say, it is not happening soon enough.

Most people find their soulmates around the age of 12, which is just something that happens. Others never find them. Being 14, I've basically given up hope.

Everyone has been telling me that I was going to find them, especially Isadora. She told me at first nothing had happened between her Klaus at first, but when they actually looked at each other, they're eyes just lit up. But maybe I was just meant to be alone.

I laid lazily on the floor of the small broom closet.

"Y/n, stop moping around and start working." Isadora said pulling at my hand.

"Yeah, you haven't been any help at all." Duncan said with irritation clear in his voice.

"Well, why don't you go study with Klaus, you seem to be so happy around him." I deadpanned, even though I knew that she hated when I brought the soulmate stuff.

"Y/n!" Isadora said dropping her hands to the ground.

"I'm sorry, it's just not fair! I'm 14, I have no hope." Now was not the time to cry.

"Neither has Duncan!" Isadora yelled back at me.

"You just don't get it!" I screamed.

Isadora stood up and left slamming the door behind her.

Usually studying went pretty well, we got things done. I'm not sure why things got so out of hand this time. But I think it might have to do with Klaus, he had basically stolen my best friend, and I had no one else to speak to.

Besides Duncan, but things always got awkward, it was like he was keeping things from me. I didn't like secret, unless I was in in them.

I turned me head to see Duncan staring at me. His cheeks flushed crimson as he looked away.

"Your sad..." He whispered meekly.

"Yeah, I am. How'd you know?" I returned trying to see his face.

"I can see it in your eyes." I muttered with embarrassment.

My eyes? It hit me, Duncan could see my eyes. That's what he's been keeping from me. I was his soulmate, but why couldn't I see his? Was there something wrong?

"How long have you been able to see them." I asked.

"Since I first met you..." I said, still refused to look at me.

I rested my finger underneath his chin, and lifted his head to look at me.
Black. His eyes were just black. I saw nothing, what was happening?

Suddenly, my vision became blurry, and then it was completely black. I went into panic and grabbed anything I could, which happened to be Duncan.

I gripped the back of his uniform quicky and began to breathe deeply. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer to him.

"Y/n, Y/n whats wrong?" He said with worry laced in his voice.

I continued to hyperventilate, and push myself further towards him.

"I've got you Y/n, you're safe." He said attempting to calm me down.

Suddenly everything stopped, I could see, and my breathing was normal again. I pulled myself away from him, but he kept his arms on my shoulders.
I looked at his face, and let out a scream of surprise.

"What, what's wrong!?" He said holding my shoulders tighter.

His eyes were brown. Just like people had derscribed, they were beautiful, perfect even.

I just continued to stare into his eyes, getting lost in them.

"C-can you see them?" He stuttered out, his eyes clouding over with fear.

"Yes, I can see them. It's like, they're brown, but not like icky brown, they're prefect." I breated out.

"Yours are perfect too, they're E/c" He said, a wide smile replacing the scared look on his face.

I engulfed him in a hug, holding him like I was going to lose him, he quickly complied and hugged back.

"I call not telling Isadora." I whispered.

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