Skydiving challenge!!

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Joy:hey guys we are back for the truth or dare challenge and to day we have a new friend arrive

Jazz:what, who is it?

Crystal:hello everybody I'm CrystalAuthor2007,u can call me Crystal

Kai:wait, aren't you the one who dares us at the previous chapter?

Crystal:yup thats me and I have 2 request for u guys😄

Joy:and we have another 2 request from Roseofthedead and appledash101

Lloyd:is it me first?

Joy:yup Lloyd, Roseofthedead dares you to go without eating candy for two weeks

Lloyd:two weeks?!?!


Lloyd:aww man 😞

Joy:come on Lloyd don't be sad, at least is not 1 year

Lloyd:yeah whatever....

Jazz:so whose next?

Joy:appledash101 says "I Dare Jay and Cole to make out for ten minutes straight without breaking"

Cole:oh heck no

Jay:yeah no way

Joy:well u have to


Nya:no it's ok Jay


Cole:um Jazz?

Jazz:no it's fine Cole, no worries

Cole:ok let's do this

Joy:remember ten minutes without breaking

Cole:ok, u ready Jay?


Cole:*kiss Jay on the lips*

Jazz:OMG!! They really doing it 😂

Crystal:ok now Lloyd


Crystal:I dare u to skydive 5 million feet from here with any person there

Lloyd:any person?


Lloyd:can I go with Jane?

Crystal:hmm...idk but ok I guess

Joy:what why?

Lloyd:come on Joy, it will be  awesome

Joy:ok, if u say so

At the plane

Lloyd:u ready Joy!!!


Lloyd:I'm going to count to 3 and we're going to jump ok!!!


Lloyd:3...2...1 jump!! *jump out from the plane*woo-hoo yeah!!

Joy:this is so awesome!!!

10 minutes later

Jazz:ok u guys can stop kissing each other now

Jay:*inhale**exhale*man I need air

Cole:me too

Kai:pff 😂

Jay:what so funny Kai?


Lloyd:we're back

Jenny:so how was it, did u two have fun?

Joy:yeah it was so cool!! I think we should do that again next time

Crystal:well it took u guys long enough I have a question for the ninjas

Nya:what is it?

Crystal:Truth:on a scale of 1 to 10,what do you think of the characters from the Lego Ninjago Movie?

Kai:hmm... 7 out of 10 I guess

Jay:7 out of 10

Zane:6 out of 10

Cole:7 out of 10

Nya:8 out of 10

Lloyd:10 out of 10

Kai:wait what?


Cole:10 out of 10 really dude?

Lloyd:cmon, I looked hot in the movie

Well hope u guys enjoy it um sorry for took it so long again but I still want to thank Roseofthedead, appledash101 and CrystalAuthor2007 for that and I will see u guys in the next chapter bye 🙋

Lloyd:don't forget to send request in the comment

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