🎃👻Happy Halloween👻🎃

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Joy:Hey are u guys exciting for Halloween tomorrow!!

Lloyd:Heck yeah!! 😄 We can eat a lot of candys!! 😋

Cole:Yeah!! 😄

Jazz:So are we going to decorate the room for the Halloween party?

Joy:Yeah come on guys let's get start it

2 hours later

Joy:Phew I think we're done guys

Nya:So what costume u guys wanna wear?

Kai:Idk some thing spooky

31st October Halloween

Joy:Ok almost done and......... there!!

Jazz:Jane are u ready?


*went to the room*

Joy:Wow guys u all looks spooky today


Joy:Kai is a vampire

Kai:Spooky right?

Jazz:Yeah yeah


Joy:Ok then Jay is a....... pirate

Jay:Ahoy me mateys, give me all ur candys!!!

Nya:haha 😂

Jane:Zane is a bat........ is it?

Zane:Yes Joy that is correct

Joy:So Cole is........ a bear


Jane:Lloyd is....... a cat?

Lloyd:Oh my god this is so embarrassing 😫

Joy:No way Lloyd, I think u look cute in that costume 😊

Lloyd:U-um 😳

Joy:Ok so Nya is a witch

Nya:That's right

Lloyd:And ur a dragon?

Joy:Yup pretty cool right?


Jazz:Im a werewolf

Jenny:And I'm a devil

Jazz:Ok guys lets start the party!!!


Kai:What is it now?

Joy:I almost forgot something

Jay:What is it?

Joy:Jessica gave a dare for Lloyd

Lloyd:For me?

Joy:Yeah, she says She dares u to kiss Harumi on her lips

Lloyd:Wait what?right now?


*Harumi enters the room*


Lloyd:H-hey Harumi

Joy:Harumi just in time

Lloyd:Wait u call her here?

Joy:Yeah u got problem?

Lloyd:N-no well I mean, are u ok with this?

Joy:yeah I'm fine with it

Jazz:Ok now Lloyd kiss her


Everyone except Joy:Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss


Joy:Come on Lloyd just do it or u can't get any candys~

Lloyd:*sigh*Ok ok fine I'll do it *kiss Harumi on her lips*there

Joy:Ok I give u all of my candys


Joy:Ok lets start the party!!!!

Hey guys Happy Halloween I wish u guys have a great time today and I see u guys in the next chapter bye 🙋

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