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The Summer has finally arrived, the schools'  are out and the students are now free of their chains, many of those people being The Loud Family. Each year they do something different and this year they and the Santiago's (Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and Mrs. Santiago) would be taking a trip to the beach together for the first time

Early Morning [7:30]
The Louds were up a moving readying themselves for a day of sunshine and beach, it didn't take long before Vanzilla was packed with 10 kids the final person lagging behind being Lincoln who'd oversleep along with not backing his clothing the previous night.

The white-haired boy rushed with bags in hand, his breathing heavy from rushing to scramble together his clothing.

"Come on Twerp!" Lori shouted finally becoming aggravated with waiting. 

"Almost done!"  replied throwing his things into the trunk slamming it shut before moving himself around until he found an open spot.  

"Alright, everyone ready?" Mr. Loud questioned.

after simple replies like "No" or "Let's get going!" he started up the vehicle.

It wasn't long before the band of 13 were on the highway and not long before Vanzilla's Air conditioning gave out causing the kids to groan soon beginning to complain "It's too hot!" Lola whimpered soon her siblings joining in "Come, everyone! it's a hot but just a bit of pain before the pleasure of the ocean" Their father said trying to keep them in a positive spirit but his words didn't reach them as they continued in their complaining. 

Finally, after Lisa wisely rolled down the window their pain ceased, as the cool wind brushed their faces all pleased except Lola who groaned about the wind messing up her hair, but no one minded her, all just pleased to have something to cool them down.

After a 1 hour ride, they meet up with the Santiago's who'd parked at a gas station waiting for the second party to arrive.

The Loud children exited the vehicle and entering the store, everyone besides Lincoln and Lori, The white-haired boy stretched giving a yawn which was quickly canceled out by a light slap to his back "Sup Lame-o"  said the source of the hit, causing him to turn around seeing Ronnie Anne Santiago in a white short-sleeved shirt matched with black short and sandals.

"Oh, Ronnie Anne!"  Lincoln replied a little surprised as he rubbed his back.

"Did I spook yea?" she smirked. 

Lincoln switched from rubbing his back to rubbing his head nodding.

"Come on Guys lets get going!" The parent's all called out

"Well see you on the shore Lame-o" Ronnie Anne commented turning away but then turned again looking towards Lincoln "one more thing" she added walking closer giving him a quick hug before heading off, this made Lincolns smile, he always enjoyed getting hugged by Ronnie Anne. 

"Come, one Romeo" Lynn insisted, walking past him.

Lincoln felt himself heat up as a light tin of pink showed on his face as he walked to Vanzilla sitting down, the only thing that bounced around in his mind was Ronnie Anne, these thoughts keep him in a daydream until they'd reached their destination and just like a stampede of wild animals it didn't take long before they'd all found themselves spots on the beach to hang out on, Lori and Bobby where the first to enter the water, Leni sat with Lilly, Lola and Lana trying to build a sand castle, Luna searched until she'd come across a small stage futher down the beach with people sitting up for a contest, Lisa took samples of the water while Lucy stayed under the umbrella, and finally Lincoln looked for Ronnie Anne who'd gotten in to a Volleyball match with Lynn, so he changed his attention to finding something to snack on.

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