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Her hair felt too disgusting, Emery knew she should've taken a shower the night before. She didn't quite realize it until running a hand through her hair, cringing at the feeling between her fingers. She took another look at the platform, not seeing anyone that wasn't there a moment ago. Coming to the conclusion that she was either late or Olivia was early.

Emery gave one last look before going through the wall. The platform was as crowded as always. First years either running around with smiles or eyes full of tears while hugging their families. Having done so this morning, Emery had no one to say goodbye to. The only thing she could do was look around at all the other families or head onto the train to either save an empty compartment or try to find Olivia.

Olivia was typically early to things, always showing up early, getting homework done early, getting gifts early, she even goes to bed and gets up early.

Grabbing her luggage, Emery hauls her stuff to the train. The pathway was mostly empty, being too early for most people to really board. She glances inside each compartment, looking for a head of blonde waves. Emery was glad she didn't have an animal to take to Hogwarts, otherwise, they would be complaining like no tomorrow for being hit by everything.

"It's about time you got here! Guess what I got on my O.W.Ls! Eight O's. How are you?" Olivia appeared out of nowhere and gripped Emery around the waist. Her words rushed out, her voice sweet and clear. It would be almost wrong for her to talk any slower. Talking fast meant that no one would interrupt her and be able to say what needed to be said, even if people didn't always understand you.

"I'm alright, same as always. Summer wasn't bad, I went in a few muggle towns, some shops too. Mum as pretty shocked when I came home with a pair of red skinny jeans." Emery had liked going through the muggle world. Everything was new and always had something unique to it, just like people. They each had something that another one didn't. Some jeans had ripped holes, some stores had brightly colored jumpers or shoes. One of Emery's favorite stores was a jewelry one. At this particular one, you were able to make your own, add something different to it that no one else had. Maybe a different chain, or a pendant. Her favorite necklace she had made was a simple chain with a blue jewel.

It was safe to say Emery had a lot of house pride. Even more so because she was on the Quidditch team. She was relieved that she wasn't the team captain, there was no way that she would be able to handle that. She learned, in a letter, that Olivia was made team captain and Emery had never felt so overjoyed. For both herself and her best friend.

"So how was America? Everything you hoped for?" Olivia had been dreaming of visiting the United States for the longest time. She wanted to see what the whole world had to offer, upon hearing that all the states were severely different, that's one of the first places she wanted to go. Her dad had finally saved enough money for the two of them to go there during the summer. With them traveling so much, Emery mostly received letters rather than sent them.

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