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APRIL, 2016

    When Ashley heard from Olivia and Teddy about Emery, Ashley wasn't surprised. She had already been worried about Emery Grey but this just pushed her over the edge. 

    "What are you trying to do Emery? Huh! You are slowly killing yourself!" Ashley couldn't keep her cool anymore. She was tired of sitting back and watching Emery destroy herself.

    "I'm fine! Calm the fuck down! You are overreacting!"

    "I'm overreacting? Have you seen yourself! You look like you're dying! You are dying! Is bringing your brother back really worth it? It's not even your brother!"

    "How the fuck would you know! He is worth it! He's my brother. I don't care what happens to me." Ashley felt her anger skyrocket and tears of frustration come to her eyes.

    "I do! What do you think we'd do without you? That we'd just be fine? What a goddamn joke!" Ashley lets herself send Emery a steely glare and sees McGonagall coming towards them. "You may be fine with dying for this, but you are bring all of us down with you." Ashley turned on her heel and walked away, rubbing the tears out of her eyes. When she was outside, alone, she grabbed her wand and send a spell at a tree, letting it be obliterated. 

    With one last feeling of anger, Ashley screamed.

    "Are you okay?" Someone asked her.

    "Not at all."


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APRIL, 2016

    Emery rolled her eyes while sitting in McGonagall's office. Everything about this was completely ridiculous. She was tired of people worrying about her. She had more power than ever. Sure, she looked like she was dying, but she knew what she was doing. Iain knew what he was doing and she trusted Iain.

    "Ms. Grey, you know why you're here?" Emery didn't answer, just raised her eyebrows at her. Her mood was toxic after the fight with Ashley. "People are concerned about you."

    "I. Don't. Care." Emery clicked her tongue and looked towards McGonagall. "Can I leave now?"

    "No. You are hurting yourself by doing this. If you keep going down this path, you will die." Emery starts laughing.

    "What part of I don't care do you not understand?" Emery shakes her head with a smile. "I can understand why people are worried, but they shouldn't be. I've never been stronger in my life. So everyone else can go to hell because I am fine. Go ahead and go tell whoever is 'worried' about me that I'm fine and to shove off. Thanks though." Emery ignored McGonagall's looks and walks out of her office. 

    It wasn't until the next day that Emery talked to Teddy.

    "I know it was you that told McGonagall." Teddy opened his mouth before closing it again. "It's not like you can deny it. I thought you trusted me."

    "And I thought you promised me. You promised me that if it came between you and Iain that you would choose you." Emery felt guilty but she pushed it down.

    "I've never broken that promise!" 

    "But you will. You know that. You know that you didn't mean it and that if it came between you and Iain you will choose him. You know that. You told Ashley that you didn't care about what happened to you. So how about you don't deny it." Emery glanced away, biting the inside of her lip. "He's been dead for years, you have people that are alive that love you. Your parents love you."

    Emery sharply turned to Teddy and gave him a cruel smile. "What would you know about a parent's love. You're an orphan." Emery lets the smile fall from her face and give Teddy a blank look. "You're just another orphan."

    "Okay. I'm just another orphan, that doesn't mean I haven't found my family." Emery was at a loss for words and she couldn't speak. She couldn't believe she just said that to Teddy. "When was the last time you saw Nathan. He was always by you before, when was the last time you've talked to him? What about my mum? Or my dad?"

    "I... I um... um..." Emery starts breathing heavier. "I don't... I'm sorry... I..." Emery looks up at Teddy with teary eyes. "I don't know what to do Teddy."

Yay! Another chapter up! I'm gonna try to publish one more chapter I think tonight before stopping and either going to sleep or play the Sims 3. 



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