Chapter 4 (Training)

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The training room is huge, weapons on one side and survival skill stations placed around. 

Yuuri takes the opportunity to check out the other tributes. There are a few muscly guys in particular that make Yuuri nervous, one has a very cocky grin on his face and winks at Yuuri. The training begins and the big guys head straight for the weapons, Yuuri decides to get the humiliating weapons training out of the way first. 

He heads for the spears, the trainer gives Yuuri a few instructions and Yuuri takes his time aiming. 

"Hurry up weakling!" 

Yuuri panics and ends up skewering a dummy 30 feet away through the heart, the other tributes behind him gasp. 

Oh crap... I've just made myself a target. 

He rushes off to the rope tying station past the open mouthed tributes around him. 


Yuuri hears a voice behind him and turns slowly, two of the strong boys he saw earlier are standing behind him. 

"Name's J-J District four but you already knew that" he winks at Yuuri again. 

"I'm Otabek District two" 

Watch out for Otabek... He will kill me. 

"Uh hi, Yuuri Katsuki" 

"Katsuki... you don't look like much but you have proved to be a helpful ally, what do you think?" 

"I uh don't know... I'll talk to my coach about it" 

"Okay" Otabek shrugs. 

They head back off to the weapons, Yuuri watches Otabek decapitate a dummy in about two seconds with a sword and J-J expertly using a trident. He hadn't thought about allies, he would rather hide alone than risk being quite literally stabbed in the back. 

The three days of training pass quickly, Yuuri finds out that he has a proficiency with both spears and crossbows to the surprise of everyone including himself. 

Viktor spends his nights in Yuuri's bed throwing out as much advice as he can to the raven boy who is steadily gaining weight under Viktor's stern gaze, Yuuri throws everything he has into his training which keeps him from thinking about the arena. 

One of the competitors, who Yuuri found out actually shares his name, always watches Yuuri during training. Whenever Yuuri catches the blond boy watching him, he's greeted with a death glare. 

Today is the day the tributes get assessed on their skills and are given a number from one to twelve, Yuuri is freaking out more than usual. 

"Just do your best, the rankings don't matter too much" Viktor says as he rubs Yuuri's back gently by the elevator. 


Yuuri heads down and sits in the room with the other tributes, males go first in order of districts so Yuuri is up first. 

Before Yuuri walks through the doors he once again catches the eye of the blond boy from district seven who still glares but in an almost friendly manner, Yuuri walks into the training room and is greeted by the gamemakers. 

"Yuuri Katsuki, district one. Go ahead" 

Yuuri decides to use both spears and the crossbow to show off his skills he just found out that he had, his spear hits the dummy in the heart again to his relief. He then tries to lift the crossbow but his hands are shaking too much so he puts it down in case he embarrasses himself. 

"Go ahead" 

Yuuri feels like he has to prove something as these men look down at him, he picks the crossbow back up and quickly shoots the targets getting two out of four in the heart. 

Not bad. Yuuri thinks.

"Thanks Katsuki, you may go" 

Yuuri bows and heads back to his room, as the doors open he's greeted with a hug. 

"How was it? Feeling okay?" 

"Yeah it was fine" Yuuri hugs back for the first time enthusiastically to Viktor's surprise. 

"Yuuri" Viktor mumbles into Yuuri's hair.

They head to Yuuri's room and hug while Viktor force feeds Yuuri until the scores come in. 

"Yuuuuuri!" Georgi calls excited and pulls him to the lounge. 

Caesar Flickerman appears on screen to announce the scores. 

"From District one Yuuri Katsuki with a score of eight" 

"Good" Viktor hugs him while the stylists clap. 

"Gina Merriweather with a score of eight" 

Gina glares at Yuuri, he's really starting to think he's her target. 

Yuuri only pays attention to a few scores. 

"From District two Otabek Altin with a score of ten" 

"From District four Jean – Jacques Leroy with a score of ten" 

"From District seven Yuri Plisetsky with a score of nine" 

High score for a small boy, I didn't see his skills during training Yuuri thinks. 

Most other scores are low to medium. 

"Eights for both my tributes" their Capital escort gushes and starts talking to the victors about sponsors which as usual makes Yuuri nervous and he retreats to his room. 

After a while Viktor knocks on Yuuri's door, Yuuri won't admit it to himself let alone to Viktor but his heart skips a beat every time Viktor gets close to him. He wouldn't call it love yet but after Viktor's story, he definitely has affection for the older champion.

"Come in, it's unlocked" Yuuri smiles when he sees the sliver haired man's face lights up as he enters the room. 

"Hey, you should be so proud, my score was only one point higher" Viktor says as he crawls on the bed and sits by Yuuri. 

Yuuri hums and decides to rest his head on Viktor's shoulder. Somehow, the steady warmth from the older man calms Yuuri a little. 

"I'll be spending the whole day with you tomorrow so we can prepare for your interview tomorrow night" 

Yuuri's body stiffens in fear.

All those eyes on him

The interview could make or break in terms of getting sponsors. 

"We will just take it easy" Viktor rubs Yuuri's back gently. 


Yuuri leans in to Viktor's touch and lets himself drift to sleep.

Yuri on Ice, The Hunger Games AUWhere stories live. Discover now