day 00

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" Hey, you guys heard of the disease that's been spreading lately? "

" Y- Yeah! It's the 100 days disease, isn't that what they called it? Although it's not a virus... "

" They say that it's called the 100 days disease because on day 101 of since they had the sickness, they die. "

" Mhm! It was tested by the doctors. Apparently, you have a 5% chance of surviving if your guardian was a previous victim of the illness. "

"What guardian? "

" Y'know! The 'guardian' you start seeing. It's basically a symptom of the sickness, you start seeing this random person with you but they don't exist, or used to exist. "

The discussion of this so-called illness was all a blur for Ryan. 
He was deep in thought during his friends' whole conversation of it, he didn't bother to snap back in reality since he figured it was just a bunch of garbo.

" I heard that you'll get infected with it if you carelessly spend your days. Like, you don't care where your day is heading and shit, "

Ryan happened to hear that from Delirious, or Jonathan, which made him snicker quietly. Ryan was one of those people who never cared how his life would go, whether he becomes homeless or rich. The only thing that mattered was, he'd be still alive. 
Hearing that statement felt like utter bullshit, clearly he didn't believe in the disease. He just thought that those who were victimized were just having severe hallucinations and killed themselves after a long while.

" Hey, earth to Ohm? " Ryan snapped back to real life, the moment he heard Bryce's voice. He looked at him, " What? " The bunny-eared man blurted out, which made his two friends laugh. 

" What? Don't tell me you've been daydreamin' on us. " Jonathan said, chuckling.
" Well, you guys wouldn't care anyway. " Ryan laughed, along with the two. " True. "

After a long day of a meet-up with his friends, they finally decide to part ways. Although, Delirious wasn't too far by from his house. They decide to walk together that day, conversing about random subjects to avoid falling into awkward silence.
" Oh, we're here. See you tomorrow, Delirious! " Ryan said, waving goodbye at his masked buddy. " Bye to you too. Hope you won't catch the disease, " Jonathan started laughing loudly, his statement clearly a joke. " Sure. " Ryan responded, rolling his eyes and laughing along.

He watched as the blue hoodie man was out of his field of vision before heading into his house, locking the door and removing the mask. " Haa.. Home sweet home. " He mumbles to himself, turning the lights on around the house. 

He walks into his bedroom, letting himself collapse on his comfy, soft bed. It basically felt like a cloud, that was what he would always describe it whenever he'd lie on it.
Ryan takes his sweater, shoes, and pants off, leaving him in boxers and a white shirt. " What time is it....? " He always liked to talk to himself when he was at home,  it was lonely ever since Bryce decided to move out. Looking at his clock, it was 8:28 PM. " Ah.. We really hung out for a long time today. " 

Ryan fixes his position on his bed, putting a blanket over him. " Well.. Goodnight to me. " He says, before turning his mini lamp off.

100 days | ohmtoonz [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now