day 01 [pt. 1]

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Ryan wakes up to another day. Although, he awoke due to a slight pain on his left wrist. He sits up, ruffling his hair which made the pain a tad bit worse. 
" Jesus, why is it hurting so ba-- " His throat had caught a lump, the moment he noticed his bedding. It was stained with a crimson liquid. " What the hell... " He whispered, then finally saw his hand. 

His wrist had somehow been cut and had bled during his slumber. " When did I start cutting? " He said aloud, which was responded by an unfamiliar voice, " Dumbass, don't'cha know about the 100 days illness? " The man's statement was followed by an arrogant laugh. " How great. "

Ryan looks around and spots a floating person with horns, a devil tail, and red skin. " Who the fuck are you? " He scowls, " Your guardian throughout your 100 days, buddy. My name's Luke, call me Cartoonz. " Cartoonz grins, levitating around the bunny. " So, y'gonna bandage that gash up or what? " 

" Okay, fine. After I'm done putting these bandages, I need answers. "
" K, whatever you say. "

" So, apparently this is a real thing and cuts appearing on your arms are another symptom? What the fuck?! " Ryan screamed, panicking of what has become of him. " Jesus christ, chill the shit out. You don't know if I was a real person yet, " The devil said, shrugging. 
" And when will I find out? "
" Day 100. " He casually said, " Seriously?! Why not now?! " The bunny exclaimed, flustered. 
" That's how life is, Ohm. Whether I was a real person or not, life is always unfair, and I, for sure, know that. "
Ryan sighs in frustration, " Well shit. I'm gonna have a meet - up with my friends today. Are you gonna stick around me or something? "
" Yes. " Cartoonz answered with no hesitation, " I'm pretty much stuck with you for 100 days. "

Ryan rubbed his face, mumbling, " Oh fuck me.. "

" So, do you do anything in your spare time? " Luke asked Ryan, flying around him. " I play videogames or I watch Youtube. " He replies, pulling up his laptop and opening Youtube. 
" Wanna watch with me? I mean, there's no harm in being friends with my guardian. " Ryan laughs, though he kind of felt sick for laughing. He was laughing at a symptom of this deadly disease that is latched onto him.
" Sure! " Cartoonz lightens up, sitting beside him.

Time seemingly passed by as the two had been watching random videos. Ryan checks the time, " Oh. It's about time I dress myself, " The bunny stands up, closing the laptop. " Meet - up? "
" Yeah.. "

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