day 02 [pt.1]

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"Wakey wakey, little bunny."

Ryan groaned in protest, shuffling and opening his eyes to what seems like solid, pitch black ground. "Aw, missing your bed?" The voice mocked, making the bunny stand up and look around. "Where the hell am I?" He said aloud, hoping the voice would at least spare him a little mercy.

"I don't know either, dumbass. A nightmare? A dream? Reality? You're too stupid of a mortal to know." It said, making him groan. "Alright, Mr. Smartass, how about you stop talking shit about humans like me and start talking." Ryan said with confidence. Though in his thoughts, he knew he was fucked in some way, and that he could probably die in this dream if he makes one single mistake.

Silence followed after he had stated for it to start speaking. He sighed, walking around the endless void. "Hey, are you gonna fucking speak or wha--" His words were stopped when a black, tentacle, formed around the bunny's mouth and nose. He fell down to his knees and felt pain coursing through his head.

"Fuck, this shit stings! I can't breathe!" His thoughts were creating huge waves of anxiety, hitting Ryan on the head mentally. 

"How about you behave first before I answer your questions, you brat?" The voice spoke again, this time with an irritated tone. Ryan screamed a muffled okay, signaling he needed air. Once he did that, the tentacle melted, which was a big ass mistake for him. The bunny gasped, then proceeded to cough out a black substance, which he assumed was the black thing that covered his airways for a moment. 

"You humans really are stupid, hm?" 

Ryan wiped the substance off his mouth, grunting and still gasping, "C-can't you just answer the goddamned question?" He choked out, standing up and almost stumbling over. 
"I must've swallowed some of that black liquid.. I feel light headed as hell."
"This is a dreamworld for those who are infected with that so-called disease you have. Since this is your first one.. You will receive light punishments." It said, before the room formed into an all too familiar room. "My.. My old room. This is my parents' house," He muttered, memories flashing back in of his not-so-beautiful childhood. 

"Fuck this shit." He began to panic, looking around on what he was supposed to do. "Clueless now, hm? All you have to do.. Is get a weapon, and kill them who are after you." It laughed, "What?! I know that my parents were abusive as shit when I was young, but I still love them!" 

"Do you?"

The bunny stopped in his tracks. "Do I...?" He mumbled, "Oh, you're wasting time. Just get those scissors and plunge it in their throats or something. GO."
Ryan looked around once again and spotted his childhood scissors he liked to use whenever he did paper cut-outs for his own entertainment. He gulped, taking it and sighing. "This.. This shouldn't be hard, right?" He talked to himself, trying to calm himself down. 
He takes a deep breath, when suddenly there is loud banging on the seemingly locked door. "RYAN! OPEN THE FUCK UP, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" 

His eyes started to shake, knowing himself that voice belonged to his father's. "Dad... I'm sorry." He mumbled before heading to the door and unlocking it. It swung open, revealing his realistic looking dad, which made him hesitate. His eyes widened, he couldn't do this. He was a coward, he was too much of a coward.
"Ryan, what the shit have you been doing in your fucking room, you dumb fuck, c'mere." His father grabs the bunny's hair, making him shout in agony. "Dad, stop!" He cried out, still gripping on the scissors. Tears were streaming down his face, his teeth gritted. "I'm sorry dad.." He whispered before breaking out of his grip and plunging the scissors in his neck. He watches as his father looks at Ryan, wide-eyed and taking the sharp object out of his throat. 

Shit, did it feel so fucking real for Ryan. It felt so fucking wrong.

"Honey, did you get the bi-- OH MY GOD!" His mother came rushing in, going beside her now dead husband. The bunny takes advantage of this, quickly getting a knife from the kitchen and clenching his teeth harder. So much thoughts were going through his mind, it made him want to throw up.

Ryan started slowly walking to his mother and grabbed her hair, then proceeded to put the knife against her throat from behind. "Mom, forgive me. I hate myself too," He said in her ear before sticking the knife further into her throat, drawing blood out from it. He lets go of her hair, letting her collapse next to her husband.
He couldn't stop crying. He drops the knife, falling to his knees and screaming. 
"That was pretty easy now, right? That's it for your first day, Ryan... Wake up." The voice started to shift into someone else's. 

"Ohm, wake the fuck up!"

Ryan instantly sits up the moment he woke up, gasping and panting harshly. He looks around, he was in his room and Cartoonz was there. He begins to cry, burying his face in his hands. "Holy fucking shit.. Holy fucking.. Shit.." He mumbled, "Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry you had to experience that, Ohm." 

After a few minutes of crying, he finally stopped. The bunny slides his hand through his hair, eyes still shaking from what he had dreamed of. "Ohm, do you want to vomit or anything? You can like, skip breakfast and shit like that today." The devil said, going in front of him. "No, I'm.. I'm okay." He says, sighing in relief. 
"Oh and uh.. You might want to bandage up your arm again. You formed another cut mid-night."
When the bunny had heard of that statement, he brings his arm up to his sight. "Oh.. Okay." Ryan mumbled, standing up and walking to the washroom.

"Are you sure you can reaaaaally eat today? You don't look so good." Cartoonz said, referring to my starving figure. "Luke.. I'm just really hungry. Besides, I'll be fine. Trust me." The bunny reassured the worrying of the devil, "... Oookaaay..." The devil says, sighing. 

They arrived at McDonald's. Ryan looks for a vacant table and finds one. He then walks to the counter and orders.
After that, he heads to the table and sits there. "Fuck damn, these cuts really hurt, Toonz." Ryan said, "Yeah.. I know. You'll have to get used to it," The devil said, crossing his arms.

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