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Taeyong's POV;

I was rather early for school but someone else was earlier then me, and that was Ten.

He sat at the desk quietly, his attention focused on a book he was reading.

I quietly made my way to the seat next to his, his attention still on the book.

I gently placed my things down and found myself lost into his beauty as I sat down on my seat.

I gently placed my things down and found myself lost into his beauty as I sat down on my seat

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His cute nose, his gentle eyes, his soft kissable lips, I wanted it all.

I wanted to kiss his tiny nose and give him all my time and attention in the world. Fuck school all I need is Ten in my arms.

And it'll be a great chance for me to talk to him more since the school is holding a camp.

'ok, breathe, just ask him what he's reading and it'll be good.'

Taking in a deep breath, I spoke up, breaking the silence between us,


A soft inaudible voice spurted out from my mouth, blushing madly I looked away and attempted to start a conversation again,


I said more loudly, still looking away.


A sudden force hit the edge of my shoulder and I yelped in pain, grabbing and rubbing against my shoulder I looked over to see a very scared and startled Ten with his book in arms, closed.

An ugly shade of anger washed over his beautiful face and soon, I was faced to a very angered Ten.

Frantically panicking I leaned over to the smaller male and went in for a hug.

Call me an idiot but that's what I really did, I am so bad at handling this situation oh my god.

I could feel Ten's forehead resting against my chest, his warm breath gently grazing on it.

Ten's POV;


I was peacefully reading my book and out of nowhere he just says something,

Fearing that I could be murdered, I quickly smacked the figure beside me and he cried.

Ugh that Lee Taeyong...

He already stole my heart and now he's gotta make it stop beating by giving me a heart attack.

As anger quickly washed over my body, he suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace and for some reason, I found myself leaning into his strong chest.

I sighed heavily and tried to calm myself down.

Thank god no one was in class yet and it was only just us.

Gently pushing him away, I shot him a death state, then a soft smile.

Third Person's View;

As Ten pushed the older male away and wiped his tears clean, Taeyong could only stare at the younger in a apologetic way.

Finally breaking the mini silence between Taeyong finally spoke up,

"uh.. Ten, I'm sorry,"

Hesitant with his words and in fear of scaring the younger more, he gently patted on the younger's back, in hopes of comforting him.

"Stop it, Taeyong, I'm not a child. And what's wrong with you? Scaring people like that.", the younger shot, making the older feel all the more scared.

"I'm really sorry, I'll do anything, please just do accept my apologies."


A wave of relief washed over Taeyong but was soon destroyed by the next few words that left Ten's mouth.

"IF you do for me a aegyo~ hehehe,"

Hesitant and shocked, he begged Ten that for something else as a punishment.

"No. If you're really sorry, you'll do it. If not, I'll never forgive you and you can forget about your notes when you're absent from school."


"No more words, now you'll have to let me record you doing it."

Frantic and worried that this punishment would get worse, Taeyong agreed and waited for Ten to whip his phone out.

"Lights! Camera! Action!"

Hesitantly, Taeyong lifted his arms over his head, forming a heart in the process and started singing cutely.

Overwhelmed by the cuteness from Taeyong himself, Ten could only scream internally and snickered here and there.

(ill just leave this video here if you want to see Taeyong doing aegyo 😤😤👌)

After what seemed like an eternity, Taeyong was finally done with his punishment.

As Ten put his phone aside, people started entering the classroom at the same time, all of them snickering.

"Aigo~ Taeyong doing aegyo is so cute, omo~"

"Taeyong oppa~ please do more aegyo in class keke"

Surprisingly, Taeyong was not embarrassed about it at all.

He only smiled and nodded.

Ten on the other hand, was having the time of his life as he constantly replayed the video over and over again when Mr Chen was explaining what was going to happen during the camp.

Taeyong was actually listening closely not because he wanted to, but because Ten would ask him what they would do for camp and he'd want to be as helpful as possible.

Heck! He even took down notes of the time table.

After what seemed like forever, Mr Chen finally briefed through what they had installed for the rest of the week.

And in cue, Ten asked Taeyong what Mr Chen had just explained.

"OK so remember, for today, we'll do some bonding games like spin the bottle and a game called blow wind blow."

"Wait, what's blow wind blow?"

"Basically it's just a game where we will sit in a circle and there will be someone in the middle of it. The person will then say the following, 'blow wind blow', the people sitting around him or her must then respond, 'blow what?'. The person will then decide what the he wants to blow away. And people with these times on them must get up and sit in a different seating. For instance, the person said that all people who are wearing watches will be blown, people who are wearing watches will move from their seating and go to another seat. The last one to be seated will be sent to the middle and it repeats itself until someone decides for the game to stop. If you're going to ask, the person in the middle must also search for a seat and if he or she is too late, its his or her turn to be in the middle again."

"Really?! Sounds so fun and exciting!!", joy was filled in the younger as he hoped up down in his seat.

Taeyong could only watch lovingly.




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