Chapter 1: The New Start

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Shizuka: Let's split up.
Karatsu: Why?
Misaki: We need to do it for our future.
Shizuka: Halloweenish Project is no more.
Karatsu: Wait, you tell me that we will do this together, Then why we need to stop the things we start before?
Ruka: .....
Yui: .....
Kanade: *leaves the room*
Haruka: ..... *looks away*
Karatsu: Hey? Are you listening to me? Everyone?
Shizuka: Please understand our decision, Himegami.
Rin: An-chan...
Ruka: We Appreciate your effort but we need to split up.
Haruka: She's right, i know this will make you sad.
Karatsu: *sigh* ..... Split up?

All of the members of Game Club are fading away..

"We don't need a Sensitive Jerk like you"
"Attention Seeker..."
"An-chan I hate you!"
"Get lost"
"It's your fault, Karatsu. You destroyed everything on Halloweenish Project"
"Sensitive Jerk"

Those sentence repeatedly and his surrounding turns into darkness.

"No!! This is not real!!! No!!!!" He shouted when holding his ears

"Karatsu... Karatsu... Wake up.. Hey.. Karatsu...."

Karatsu opens his eyes and saw his Auntie then he suddenly stands up on his bed and he's scared.

"....Dream? Nightmare!?" He shakes his head then sits on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Karatsu's Auntie asked him when holding a glass of water.

"Ahh.. Yeah.. I'm okay.." He looks on the wall when feeling depressed..

"Take this water. drink it and take a rest for a second."

"Sorry for making a trouble, Miyu-san.." He stands and sits on the chair.

"It's 6:05am of the morning. Take your breakfast and prepare your clothes. You have a class today. I'm going to buy some foods on the market. Take care of yourself okay?"

"Understood." Raises his hand then waves.

"Good." Aunt Miyu closes the door.

Karatsu puts his head on the table when looking at his phone.

"What was that? And who are those people on my dream...? Why..?"
"It looks like, I'm looking for someone that i don't know..." He looks at his phone and read some news on Fishbook.
"Nothing new.. huh?" He take his breakfast when looking at his phone.
"Mah!! I should forgot about it!!"

When Karatsu is taking to road to his school.

"I'm Karatsu Himegami. I'm living on my Aunt Miyu's House. This world changed a lot. Places, Years, People and Feelings affected so much on that Changed.
To be honest, I hate this world. I hate those people who can't keep those promises they made and I hate those people who don't appreciate my effort... Nevermind. I'm studying at St.Lucario here at Tokyo. Since i transfer here last year i never meet or have a friend there.. But i'm used to it.. I don't remember why, I came here.." He reached the school.

"G-good morning, Himegami-san.." A green haired girl waves her hand at him but Karatsu doesn't notice it then the girl looks away.

"I have a nightmare earlier. And it looks like i do something bad on them... I need to know who are they.." He sits on the chair then take off his headset.

"Everyday, this boring life goes on.. Listening, writing, eating, reading, going home and sleep. All of it happens repeatedly." He looks on the window.

He remembers the day that the Game Club and Halloweenish Project has been disbanded and the split up of members. Karatsu holds his head once again and put it on the table.

"Himegami, Are you okay?" His teacher said.

The other students looking at him as they try to comfort him.

"Hey bro, are you really okay?" Hidashi said.

"Ah.. yeah.. maybe..."
"Why i'm remembering those thing!!? What the hell is that..!?" he said on his mind.

"Well, if you're not. Then, tell me i will help you out.." As Hidashi sits back on his chair.

After the morning class, Karatsu stayed at Infirmary.

"It's good to take a rest here, Karatsu-san." The nurse smiled at him and pats his head.

"Thank you..." as he closes his eyes and sleeps.

Hidashi is standing on the door when looking at his phone.

"He never forget about the Halloweenish Project huh...?" He leaves the Infirmary room and goes outside.

"Karatsu have Amnesia. After the Bus accident, he never remember everything. He just know his name and my name. Je don't know about japan and other things.. So i helped him as friend to take him on his Aunt Miyu's house." He sits on the floor at the rooftop and looks at the sky.

"Trauma huh?"

The Afternoon class ended and Karatsu awaken.

"It's already afternoon... i should go home.."

"Wait.." the green haired girl stops him.

"Who are you?" Karatsu asked.

"I-i-m Yukihara Nakade. Y-your classmate"


"Y-yes.. you're right." she replied.

"Do you need something on me?"

"Y-yes... A-about... the Band of Ruka-senpai."

"What band?" he asked.

"The ForTune.. I really love their band and their songs.. I like Ruka-senpai" She blushed when answering the answer.

"The ForTune? who is Ruka?"

"Shirayama Ruka, the leader of ForTune."

"... I don't remember her..."

"Ehh? But i saw you working at her and acted Laura Kirigaya on her Concert last 2 years ago."

"Sorry. I don't remember a thing like that. I will go now. Sorry" as he walks away and Yukihara looks at him.

"Shirayama Ruka? The ForTune? Me as Laura Kirigaya? So Funny. It's impossible for me to know that." When reading books a Picture falls on the ground then he picked it up.

"What is this? a group picture?" as he saw the Picture of Shizuka Ankoku, Ruka Shirayama, Haruka Sannomiya, Misaki, Yui, Kanade, Hidashi, Rin and him.

"Who are they? and why me and Hidashi are on the picture?" as remember the word "Sensitive Jerk" and Attention Seeker" then he holds his head again..

"No!! Stop it... I'm not a Jerk.... Stop.. Shizuka-san..." He stops and he said the name of Shizuka.

"Shizuka...? Who is she?"

"Rin, listen. Your Brother didn't do anything on the Club. He just want a attention and time for the project he made for us. I know, You hate him.. but you need to care about him. Karatsu have Amnesia. We need to help him to take his memories back."

"Shut up.. I don't want to see him anymore. It's An-chan's fault why Everyone Splits up and disbanded the Club.. He ruined my trust to him.. I don't care about him..." Rin looks away.

"If An-chan haven't do that on Shizuka-san. The Club and the bonds of Friendship we made are still alive."

"You can't live on the past, Rin. You need to move on and still care about your poor brother. If he dies then who will take care of you someday? Nothing, right? Give some respect on your brother."

"... Why?" as Karatsu keeps looking at the picture and he saw the Word "Halloweenish Project - Game Club" on the back of the picture then his eyes is on shocked.

-To Be Continued

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