Chapter 6 : The Past Should be Forgetten

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Karatsu wakes up on the Infirmary room at St.Lucario Academy. He tries to touch his head but he feel the pain and look at the door.

"Khh.. Where i am?" His head have bandage.

"You're on Infirmary. Himegami" Yukina said.

"Yukina-san.. W-what happened to me?" He said

Yukina looked away from him while talking with him.

"I saw you beaten up by my Brother.." She replied.

"Brother? You mean? That guy?"

"Yes.. He is. Sorry for doing that to you. Please forgive my brother!" She bows at front at him

Karatsu pats her head when Yukina stood up she saw his smiles then she do the same.

"No need to apologize, Yukina-chan. I should be the one who need to apologize. I cause you a trouble." He looks away

"Do you heard everything about me right? I know you're going to hate me from now. You finally know my Identity.." He said.

"Y-yeah.. I heard it But--"

"A man who destroyed the Game Club.. The Halloweenish Project. The Sensitive Jerk and Attention Seeker was Me! The person you hate was my Friend.. an Old Friend of mine. I'm a previously member of ForTune that you really hate!" Karatsu looks at her seriously.

"...." Yukina is speechless while looking at him.

"I destroyed our Relationship on that Club! I'm the one who Disbanded the Club and i'm the only guy who said ridiculous things on his friends! Shizuka,Yui,Misaki,Kanade,Haruka and Ruka hates me now. They avoided me and they never talked to me after that... Also.. the girl i love... Ayumi.. She hates me and... she never talks to me." Karatsu tries to resist his tears.

"I think.. I'll be the one who's going to destroyed this Relationship we have with Everyone on Music Club.. I ran away from everything. Hide myself on anything... I'm coward.. And i know someday.. You and Yukihara will hate me then you're going to leave me just like my old friends do.." He's faced is black when Yukina is still looking at him.

"Do you regret it?" Yukina asked.

"Yes... I regret it.. If i haven't do those things.. Halloweenish Project is still existed.. Sorry... I'm sorry" He looks down and cries on front of Yukina.

Yukina suddenly hugged Karatsu then pats his head.

"Idiot.. I will never hate you. No matter kind of Past you had. Me and Yukihara will never leave you. You saved and helped us. I'm know that you're trying your best to changed yourself."

"I will accept you no matter who you are. As long as you prove that you're serious on everything. We can forget our past and start a new beginning. Don't ever live on the past" Yukina smiled while patting his back.

"Don't think that you're alone. The Scarlet Dream is here for you"

Karatsu looks at her while yukina is smiling.

"Sorry.. I cried.." Karatsu said.

"It's okay. You proved that you're a real man. It's normal to cry so don't apologized" Yukina kissed his forehead where the bandage was placed. Karatsu suddenly blushed.

"Take a rest for while, Karatsu." Yukina stands up then wave her hand.

"Y-yes..." Karatsu is still blushing when lying on his bed.

"The Past should be Forgotten, okay?" Yukina leaves the room

"Yes..." Karatsu closed his eyes when blushing.

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