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We will be best friends forever

I will never leave you

She is my best friend, she will never hurt me.

I always thought that this actually was easy to promise. Staying for the ones with whom you share your food, secrets, feelings, life. That's what you call friends, right?

What exactly are friends? A descriptive of what I gave above? Maybe. Maybe not.

In a simpler way, I can define it as, when life gets tougher and we feel like giving up, that's when we start finding some assistance, some kind of a support, to help us breathe, to motivate us into completing what we started, to mock at how pathetic we were before the support, and then to get us to the finish line and watch us win with proud smiles. Friends, A word with endless meaning.

It's amazing right? It's in our human tendency to have someone; to need someone; to make friends; to crave for some comfort; and to love a nobody. That's how a human works and that is how a sane being lives. But this crazy world has had created two sides to everything. And guess what that is? Positive or negative.

Positive instincts lead us to better outcomes and negative thinking leaves us for the reality. People make friends on the basis of certain criterion, "Same religion" or "similar colour", "common language" or "No difference of status". We may not know how and where we discriminate, but somewhere and at some point we do. We look out for the book cover and not the content, the words. But again, changing the mindset of the society can't be done alone. Am I right?

Friends are not differentiated on the basis of social diversities. They should be differentiated on the basis of the crowd they are into.

My mom, she has had a correct feeling regarding all of my friends. If she met one of my friends, she would immediately give her opinion, about him/her, that, whether that friend is going to stand for a longer period of time in my life or not. And it has always been a correct prediction. Maybe it's the experience or maybe she has been through the stage of "good and bad", I will never know

Now, Some writers say: be particularly choose-y when it comes to making friends because later you will be defined from the people you are with; while the others say: No one belongs to the bad group. It is their actions and deeds done by them which are labelled bad. Which is the correct way to choose one as dependence in life?

Well, you do not have to be either picky and cautious, or flexible and dumb. Making friends is not an art or learning engineering. Make friends with someone who completes your flaws; someone who shares the last part of their favourite meal just to see you smile; someone who makes your life a little easier to live and go through with. And it can be anyone. As long as you need them, they will be there.

Friendship is combination of 5 table spoons respect and trust, 2 table spoons of jealousy and entire bucket of loads of real love. That makes a perfect dish. But people sometimes differ or try to amend the recipe and bring a lot of changes into it.

There are plenty of people you have met in your life. But you have given a specific label to each of them:

All of us have best friends, a constant support. The correct mixture of all the ingredients to satisfy our necessity and vice versa. What do I write about mine? Believe me when I say, I have at most 5 people who I give the title of best friend. It was hard to find them, but this planet is the smallest of them all in the universe.Another category is for those loads of people who come to you in their most needy time or the ones you try to reach them when you are in need. These may include the people you see everyday; Temporary and quite lost; Not knowing any part of their life and yet judge them on the basis of it.There are these unknown friendships with people, that no matter how worse the relations are, you just happen to trust them. Be it a stranger, a room-mate or an ex-best-friend.Then, there is this kind of friendship, in which, your friends will always have a doubt in You, even if you express yourself pretty well every time. Every time You try and make up for something, you might get degraded in return. Maybe its their anger that's acting upon, or their ego. You can never tell, as ego and anger go hand in hand during the times of destruction.In the end, you have online friends. The ones you may not know but trust more, the ones you may have not seen but love quite more , and the ones you highly think of but they may be just an illusion.

So, I have covered up most of what friendship is, about, and types of it. Now, I am going to tell You, that how these perfect connections are broken down by the world's worst sentiments produced by animals like us.

Anger? Point number 1. YES. If this emotion were not present in this world, there would be no sub parts of it like Ego and revenge. If it were not for this, at least there would not come a concept of 'you have something called self respect' in this pure form of alliance and acceptance between two people.
Another one is Jealousy. Some of you might think of this a positive point, but believe me. It's always not when you are real social and you have an introvert best friend. Last one would probably be Replacement. This, by far, is the most painful one. You may never know what you lacked until you are being replaced by someone you always had a threatening vibe for.

That's it. I am done writing about my first topic. Jeez it was tough experiencing most of it all. Friendship is definitely not simple and strong. Having friends is like studying for medicine or like trying to blend colours together in order to get the perfect shade. It is not easy. It is much worse than handling a spouse.

Thank you for reading and have an amazing new year ahead♡

If I wrote anything offensive, I really am sorry. See you on Feb 1st 2018


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