FullMetal & Titanium (A FMA Love Story)

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“Come on Ally!” I yell throwing my bag over my shoulder. It has taken forever to get this far and now she wants to stop? My name is Isabella but people just call me Ella. I’m 15 years old and so is my twin sister Ally. We look nothing alike. Another thing is Ally is taller than me.

Yes. I’m short.

I’m 5’2” BUT still growing.

She stands far behind on the dirt road out of breath even though we just stopped half an hour ago. “Come on!” I yell scratching my head “my leg is starting to hurt again!” she gets back up whipping the dirt off her pants. She runs to catch up with me almost tripping over her own feet. “Are you sure this Winry girl will even be able to fix your leg?” she ask as we continue down the road. I pull out a map showing that we are going down the right path “of course she can Ally, she is the great Full Metal Alchemist auto mail mechanic. I’m sure if we let her know Roy is our uncle she will fix my leg!” Ally sighs grabbing the map from me “let me see that” she pulls out our mothers state alchemist watch to probably estimate how much longer we have till it’s dark out.

My sister and I are known as the auto mail twins. Raised by a mother and father we barely knew. When Ally and I were children our older brother Kyle who was an auto mail prodigy, and our mother and father were killed by an alchemist. Sworn by hatred I swore never to use alchemy unless someone threatened my sister’s life. While trying to escape the alchemist the man cut off my leg as well as my sister’s hand. Now a huge iron fist is in place of her hand. Now we swore that we would find this man. And kill him. Without the need of alchemy. But my sister Ally didn’t see the hate in alchemy like I have. She studied hard wanting to become a state alchemist like our parents.

“Do you think the Elric brothers will be there?” she asks skipping rocks down the dirt road. “I highly doubt it, they are probably really busy” she sighs pulling out her picture of Alphonse. Learning about alchemy she was told stories about these Elric brothers and how they were the youngest alchemist ever. But losing most of my family has left me cold inside not letting many people in. including people who use alchemy. “There it is!” I shriek running tours the house, a dog runs up to us happily wagging his tail. The upstairs balcony door opens as Winry walks out. Her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she yells down “hey are you lost?”

Ally and I step away bowing “hello miss Rock bell I’m Ella and this is my sister Ally-“she smiles “oh yah you’re the auto mail twins- wait I’ll be right down” she jumps down from the balcony to the ground in front of us putting her glove hand out “pleasure to meet you” Ally shakes Winrys hand with her auto mail hand smiling. Winry takes us inside were she takes up to her room. Winry seems to be the type of person that’s mind is always in another world. She grabs all her tools sitting them on a little table next to the bed. I lift up my long skirt enough to reveal my messed up auto mail leg. Winry gasp grabbing her wrench hitting me across the head “what have you done to this? Are you trying to kill me!” I rub my head “no it’s not like that! My brother Kyle was the person who used to fix my leg but he passed away a few years ago” Winry’s face suddenly softens “oh” she mutters “well then this repair is on me” she awkwardly laughs “I need all the tinkering time I can get with Ed coming In all the time to get repairs I swear you alchemist don’t know when to be careful!” Ally giggles but I keep my eyes on a wall covered in photo’s “is that?” Winry and ally look up, Winry laughs under her breath “that’s the famous Elric brothers and I when we were children” I notice a picture that looks old of Edward studying an old alchemy book. The book that my sister and I have been searching for. I point to it “does Edward still have this book?” Winry eyes the picture thinking then shakes her head “I don’t think so, they burned their house down a long time ago so that book is probably long gone... why do you ask?” Ally cuts in “it’s quite a long story so if you can just finish up we will be on our way” Winry smiles “if you need to talk to the Elric brother’s they are coming here for repairs today at around evening time, why don’t you stay and ask Ed then?” Ally stays quiet probably waiting for me to speak up. I nod as Winry finishes my leg I stand up stretching “sure why not” my leg feels much better now as I move it around. I turn to Winry “do you have some pants or shorts that I may borrow so I can exercise a little?” Winry nods as she digs though her dresser she pulls out a pair of pants that look exactly like the ones she’s wearing “here these are old so if you’re planning on using alchemy any time soon I won’t mind them getting torn” I smile taking the jeans I walk into the hallway eventually finding the bathroom I slip my long skirt off then slip on the pants. Why was Winry being so nice to us? And how did she know we were the auto mail twins? I thought only people back in Rush Valley knew about us. I guess I was wrong.

I walk out of the bathroom heading downstairs to the sound of Ally laughing followed by the dog barking. As i open the door the dog tackles me pinning me to the ground licking my face. I’m laughing hysterically as I gently push her away. “Sorry about Den” Winry laughs “she loves new people” I get up whipping the slobber off my face “it’s okay we have tons of dog’s back in rush valley”. I stand up with ease now that my leg is fixed. I run around the yard with Den chasing after me having the most fun I’ve had since Kyle passed.

Kyle. I remember how every morning he was always working. Ally was drawing alchemy circles in the living room making herself toys. My sister was always the good girl who aced everything. Kyle had dirty blonde hair that he always kept shaggy, he wore glasses, and whenever he tried to figure something out he would bite his lip while scrunching his eyebrows. I used to look up to my brother. Everyone who knew him did. Kyle never used Alchemy, though I know mother made him read books about it. Kyle never liked the danger that alchemy could bring. He was right, Alchemy was dangerous. But at the last minute he used it to try and protect my sister and I from the alchemist. We are still trying to figure out how one man could kill two state alchemists. I’m hoping to ask Edward that very question.

So many questions still left unanswered.

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