Their Last Moment Together (only chapter)

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Luke and Amelia were out walking and decided to check out an old house they saw one time. They were standing in the fierce weather, outside the old looking house. They walked up to the house, each step getting more hesitant. All they really wanted to do was get out of the weather.

When they reached the front porch the wooden flooring looked rotten and they could hear creaking noises with each step they took. They reached the door and knocked gently. The door swung open and Amelia grabbed Luke’s hand before walking in together. The door slammed shut as soon as they came in and the house was dark with only the lightening from the storm coming through the windows. They walked into a room that had cobwebs covering the ceiling, windows swinging furiously, a picture on the wall, and rotten furniture. The thunder roared loudly making them both jump.

Luke: Are you alright, Amelia.

Amelia: Yeah. Just a little frightened. I’ll be fine.

They continued to walk around the house. The lights started to flick on and off while noises started coming from another room. They followed the noise, hand in hand, and came to a room. Luke opened the door but nothing was there. They walked in and saw a gun. They quickly turned around and grabbed a hold of the handle, trying to turn it but it was locked.

Luke: it won’t budge.

Amelia: Keep trying. I want to get out of here.

Amelia screamed as she felt something grab her arm. She got pulled back. Just as Luke turned around he quickly grabbed a hold of Amelia’s arm before she got taken away.

Amelia: Luke, we have to get out of here. I have a really bad feeling about this place.

Luke’s feet were dragging him in. Something touched Luke’s arm and sent shivers through his body as he quickly turned around to see a little girl. She was holding a sign that read, ‘get out of here before it’s too late’ in red writing. Amelia screamed an ear-piercing scream which made Luke jump.

Amelia: Come on Luke. I can’t handle this anymore, let’s go.

Luke: Okay we’ll go now.

They tried the door again but it wouldn’t budge. Luke then kicked the door down and was relieved nothing was there. He turned around to Amelia and held her hand again.  When he turned around, there was the little girl hanging from the ceiling. There was a chair knocked out from under her and blood on the floor. His eyes went wide and Amelia looked at the girl and screamed.

Soon there was knocking on glass. They looked over at the window and the knocking was still happening but no one was at the window. They looked around until they saw something in the mirror. It looked like a person but they didn’t want to go near it. The figure then came out of the mirror and towards the gun. The mirror shattered everywhere with the force of the spirit coming out.


Luke: What am I supposed to do? It’s some sort of spirit or something.

Amelia: How about you save me before anything bad happens.

At this stage, Amelia was shaking with fear while Luke tried his best to remain calm. Luke looked everywhere when eventually he found a metal baseball bat. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was ice cold, like it had been in the freezer for a while. He shivered as he carried it with him. He walked over to where Amelia and the figure were and tried hitting the figure. The figure pushed Amelia and turned around. Luke kept swinging the bat at him until something caught his eye.

Luke: Amelia, move over to the door, now!

She did as told and Luke ran over to where Amelia was. He picked up something shiny; a knife. He tried slashing at the figure, trying to do something to hurt it. He eventually realised they saw a painting in the living room with a figure, or person, that looked exactly like this one. Luke ran down the stairs and into the living room. He heard screaming upstairs and quickly stabbed the painting. There was another loud scream which sent shivers down Luke’s spine. He ran upstairs as fast as he could. He saw the figure gone but his girlfriend, lying on the cold, hard wooden floor, struggling to breathe. There was blood all around her. Her breathing was very audible as Luke began to walk over to her. He knelt down beside her and grabbed her hand. He was getting blood on his hands and legs.

Luke: I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we went into this house. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I’m sorry.

Amelia: It’s not all your fault. I love you, Luke.

Luke: I love you too.

Her breathing was shortening with every word she said. Her body was cold and soon, she was dead. Luke sat there, holding her hand for a while. Then, out of nowhere, the little girl popped up.

Girl: I told you to go. The same thing happened to me. I never lived in this house but I came here one time to get out of this harshful weather. Only difference is she had someone to save her, I didn’t. I’m sorry how this ended. Please promise to keep people away from this house.

 Luke: I loved her and I still do. I will never stop loving her. I promise to get this house knocked down. I’m sorry.

Their Last Moment TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now