P r o l o g u e

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I was woken up by the sound of a crash nearby. My little brother ran into my room.
"What was that?!" - he said.
"It sounded like a car crash. Go back to bed." - I said.
"I'll go ask mom. What time is it anyway?" - he asked before leaving the room.

Half asleep, I search for my phone to check the time.
Ugh, where is it... I know I put it under my pillow. - I think to myself.

Ah, there you are." - I say as I finally find my phone.
"4 AM? Why would anyone drive at 4 AM?"

"Ugh, drunk teenagers. I forgot Jake threw a party."

It took me a while to fall back asleep until I finally did.

"Wake up Mia! You'll be late, again!" - my mom kept repeating as she was opening the blinds to let the sun inside my small room.

"Mia! What time did you go to bed last night? I'm not driving you to school this time." - she said and left my room.

"I'm so tired. Ugh. Can I like, not go to school? Should I play the *I'm sick* card? Nah, I pulled that on her last time. " I sighed and got out of bed.

I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

"Wow, these walls really need to be repainted. Yuck." - I thought while looking at the paint peeling on the ceiling.

*knocking on the door*
"What?!" - I yelled.
"Hurry up!! I need to brush my teeth!". - said Noah
"I thought you already left for school? Am I not running late? What time is it?" - I asked, completely confused.
"What? No. It's probably 7:15 now. Mia who cares, just please hurry, I don't want to walk to school today because of you, again!!" - he said.
"Okay okay, come in." - I said and took my hairbrush with me to my room.

Damn, mom played ME this time. Touchè. I guess it worked, so I can't complain. I'm not running late for once. - I thought and walked up to my makeup vanity.
"Let's go for a *I don't wanna be here* look today, eh?" I picked up a spoolie and brushed my eyebrows.
"Eh, that should do it for brows."
I put on some mascara and ChapStick.
"Barely any makeup and I still look good, damnn."
I opened my closet and chose my outfit for the day - ripped blue jeans, black tank top, black leather jacket and All Black Vans. I got dressed and walked to the kitchen where Noah was making himself a sandwich.
"Where's mom?" - I asked.
"She took Daisy out to pee and, you know, do her business." - Noah replied.

"Alright, well champ, I'm ready to go, the bus leaves in - *I check my phone* 7 minutes. We should head out soon." - I said to Noah.

"Yeah, I'm almost done, I just need to fill up my water bottle." - He says.
My mom and Daisy walk inside."Oh, I thought you'd be sick today Mia. You sure surprised me." - my mom says.
"Why would I be sick?" - I ask, pretending I don't know what she's talking about.
"Oh, you know, it's the first day back from Spring Break, thought you'd want few more days off." - she says and winks at me.
"Ha ha. Very funny mom. But good job on making me think I'm running late, I'll give you that. The student became the teacher." - I say.
"It's like you're Yoda and mom is Luke!" - says Noah and laughs - "Okay, I'm done, we can go."
"Padawan and Senpai huh? Haha, true though. Okay, let's go bean. Bye, mom!" - I say as Noah and I walk through the door.

"Yeah... Padawan.. and Senpai... Good job... You almost did it." - says Noah, laughingly.

Noah and I get on the bus to school. The bus was full of teens talking about their amazing Spring Break, how they got drunk, don't remember a thing, met celebrities they had no idea were celebrities, went to tons of parties...
"Yuck." - I say to myself.
"Excuse me?" - one girl turns to me.
"What?" - I say.
"What a weirdo" - says the girl to her friends and continues chatting with them.
I sigh and put headphones in.
"My playlist is so boring. I need to update it ASAP. What should I listen to?" - I'm thinking as I'm scrolling through thousands of songs on my phone. "Ah! Post Malone? Congratulations seems to fit me at the moment. Congratulations on being the only normal person on this bus Mia." - I say, lean my head on the window and watch the trees move fast as the bus is driving us to school.

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