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"Mia! Wake up!"
I was woken up by Noah.
"What??!" - I yelled.

"We're here, come on. You fell asleep, again." - he says and walks out of the bus.
Oh God. Here we go. - I think

"Noah, I'll see you here at 12. Okay? Don't be late. If you need me, you know where my locker is." - I say to Noah.

"Yes I know, see you here at 12. Love you!" - he says

We part ways. He walks to his building and I walk to mine.
"Mia! Hey!!" - I hear yelling behind me, I turn around and see Ivy waving at me.
"Ivy? Hey! I thought you were in Budapest for one more week?" - I say as she walks up to me.
"Yeah, we were supposed to stay there until the 15th but Kylie got sick, so we had to fly home early." - Ivy said.

"Damn, that must suck. Did you have fun at least?" - I asked.

"I did. Mia, you honestly have to visit Budapest. It's so beautiful. I'll tell you more about my experience later. Now, tell me how your holidays went?" - she asked.
"Eh, you know, the usual. I went out a few times. But I watched Netflix for the most part." - I say and shrug.
"When you say you went out... you mean you took Daisy for a walk?" - she says.

"Dude, you know me so well." - I say and we both laugh.

"Hahaha, okay, we should probably get going, the class is about to start." - Ivy says.

The bell rings and we walk to our class.
English, first period.

Ivy and I sit next to each other in the middle row.

The teacher, Mr Brown walks in.

"Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had nice holidays. Before we start today's lesson, I want to hear what you did during your break, in few words." - he says.
"Okay, let's start with... Joseph." - he looks around the classroom and picks someone.
"Joseph, Joseph, Joseph.. What did you do these holidays?"

Joseph stands up and looks around nervously before opening his mouth. -"Can I speak first? This will take a long time if we let him talk." - interrupts a voice in the back.

"If that's okay with Joseph, sure. Stand up Maggie and share your story with us!" - says Mr Brown.

The girl in the back, Maggie, stands up. It was the girl who turned to me in the bus.

"I wonder what kind of a shit story she'll share today." - I whisper to Ivy, she laughs.

"Attention, everyone! Please. I'm about to talk." - Maggie says while throwing a threatening look our way.
"I flew to Bora Bora and met two cute guys. Bora Bora was so beautiful, I stayed at a 5 star hotel. They told me they never had a pleasure to have a prettier guest and offered me to stay longer. Those guys were heartbroken the day I had to leave so they invited me to come visit them in London. Ahh, they were so sweet and so into me." - she says and chuckles.

"Okay, that was nic- says Mr Brown when he's rudely interrupted, once again, by Maggie.

"And when I came home, Jake threw a dope party." - she says and looks at Jake, who's showing off to his friends.
"Okay Maggie, thank you for sharing those... few words with us. Since that took more than planned, I have to stop here and start with the lesson. Sorry class, maybe next time.. Or when Maggie isn't here." - says Mr Brown and turns to his desk.

"Damn, he really did that." - Ivy says to me.
"I know right? Also, remind me to tell you about something that happened last night." - I tell her.
Mr Brown tells us to keep quiet as he starts the lesson. We were reading Shakespeare.

Math, second period.

I went to my locker to get my notebooks and to charge my phone. I walked up to my boring, navy blue, number 78 locker and grabbed my things before heading to class.

Mrs Jones walked in right after me. She was hurrying everyone to get in their seats so she could start the class. I sat next to a skinny, tall, pale guy. He's been to a few of the classes this year, and he's usually really quiet so I never found out his name.

"Alright class, let's not pretend we've never seen each other. Unlike other professors in this school, I don't take breaks after breaks, which you're familiar with. So, with that said, today's lesson is... *she looks at her papers* revising?" - she sighs.
"I guess we will see how and what everyone's been doing for their Spring Break, and if anyone's been studying. I have to remind you that you are taking your first important test next Friday. So please prepare for it." - she says.

I open my notebook and start writing down the tasks and pages she's giving us to revise by. I can't help but think about that weird car crash that woke me up. I remembered Jake threw his party a few days ago, so it couldn't have been a drunk teenager crashing someone's car. But then again, no one ever drives around where I live, especially not at night.

That's so weird. - I think to myself.

"What's weird?" - says someone.
I look up and see Mrs Jones standing above me.
Fuck, what do I say now? - I think.
"You had more than enough time to daydream Mia. What caught your mind that is so important?" - Mrs Jones asked me.
"Um... Nothing. I was woken up in the middle of the night, I'm just tired. Sorry Mrs. Jones, it won't happen again." - I said.
"It better not. Now get up and solve this on the board." - she says and hands me a list of equations.

Ugh, this should be fun. - I think and walk up to the board.
"Attention students and teachers. May all the teachers end their lessons early and come to the Teachers' Room. We ask our students to please come to the Lunch Room. Thank you." - says the voice on the speaker.

"Okay everyone, you heard it. We have little time to finish this before I have to end the lesson. Let's get back to work, and NO daydreaming!" - says Mrs Jones and takes a seat at her desk.

"What's going on?" - someone asks
"I don't know, but I'm sure the principal will inform all of us. Now please, do your work. " - replies Mrs Jones

I finish the tasks she gave me and go back to my seat, everyone is whispering wondering what's going on, because, let's be real, our school never ended lessons early or sent us home.

My phone vibrates.

I got a message from mom.

Ugh, if I open the message now, she'll see me and take my phone away. But my mom never messages me during class cause she knows I can't check my phone? - I think. - "What is going on??"
"I guess that's it, please pack your things and silently head to the Lunch Room." - Mrs Jones said.

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