65- my thoughts

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Okay so its 2:29 in the morning and i am having one of those nights were i cant sleep but is sleepy. i wanna be a rapper but can barely speak without stumbling on my words because of my speech problem and my tongue likes to curl. I have so much fun with my crazy cousin man i love her she that one cuzo that is like a big sister but only by a year. Why the heck do i hear dinosaurs.......oh the movie......i need to buy some things for my room it is mad empty. I am eating my nice fruit loops or apple jacks or what ever it is they both look and taste the same so i am gonna call it fruit jacks or apple loops or or or i cant think of no more. some time i feel like my head is gonna pop i hate when i have an idea for a new chapter then i forget because i think to much. one of my titties itch. i hate when i know i am about to be on my period sorry i that gross you out i am just honest and up front with everything aka blunt that's what people should call me because i am so blunt and honest about things like my mom always told me my mouth gonna get me. in trouble and it does but i cant stop being real. let me stop drowning y'all with me thoughts lml i should drown thots lml i am so silly but bye brain well not bye forever because i need you for the next chapters but bye from writing down my thoughts.

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