The Meeting

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This is a story I have been working on for a while now, and am just getting the courage to put onto Wattpad. There are most likely some grammar errors, please feel free to point them out. Constructive criticism is welcome, negative and nasty comments are not. Thank you wonderful readers and enjoy! 

Votes 100% appreciated


I lean back against the couch, stretching out my legs as I bring the beer to my lips taking a large gulp. The room is dimly lit, a few strobe lights making it feel like a night club as the music vibrated and echoed throughout the house. I wrinkle my nose, the scent of sweat and beer is heavy in the living room as men and woman dance on each other. Taking another drink of my beer, I catch sight of a long legged, tanned, red head dancing with a small group of her friends. Her ass barely covered by the tight red leather skirt, her breasts pouring out of her black crop top, made her stand out. 'That'll do' I think to myself setting the beer on the coffee table as I stand, my 6'3 height allowing me to keep my eyes on the prize.

Reaching a hand back I smooth back my caramel colored hair, by now she's noticed my approach. Her dark eyes locking on mine, her dark red lips curling upwards revealing perfect white teeth. I'm snapped out of my trance as a smaller individual knocked into me, their drink drenching the front of my shirt. "What the fuck" I exclaim, clenching my fists getting ready to knock a guy out before my eyes land on the girl on the floor. Even in the dimmed living room her bright blue eyes glow, their wide as she stutters her apologies, "I'm so, so sorry." I offer her my hand but she declines it, she stands brushing off her thighs. I note their thickness, her full breasts and her slightly circular face. "Who the hell are you?" I ask. She bent over picking the plastic cup up from the floor, sweeping a strand of dirty blonde hair behind her ear. "No one special." She says giving me a small smile before shrugging, she turns away walking towards the kitchen. Frowning I follow her with my eyes until she's lost in a sea of hormonal college students. I look back to the corner, where the red head is still dancing with her friends. I throw her a smirk, prior to walking off in the opposite direction.

Shamelessly, I find myself walking around Caleb's place looking for this mysterious blonde girl. There's something about her and I want to know what it is. I've made my way towards the kitchen the room is brighter; the music isn't as loud. A small group of people play beer pong cheering loudly as they make the other team drink. The white tiles littered with the red solo cups and empty bottles, in the back-yard people smoke their cancer. A group of pot heads sit in a circle around a fire pit, laughing at the two people sloppily eating each other's faces. I run a hand through my hair, as I stand there looking around. 'This is stupid, what am I even doing?' I turn the corner heading into a hallway leading back to the living room, and there she is. She's leaning against the wall her face stuck in a book, her brows furrowed, pink lips pouted slightly. 'How is she reading with all this noise?' I approach her but she doesn't seem to take any notice I tap her shoulder, which causes her to jump. She looks up from her book, her shock and confusion still written on her face I laugh loudly making her cheeks flush. I lean closer to her noting the small number of freckles trailing the bridge of her nose. "My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you..."

She moves a few steps away from me, closing her book with a small smile. Shaking her head, she raises a hand in front of her waving it softly, making her pony tail brush against her shoulders. "There's no need to apologize, this isn't exactly a great reading spot." She shrugs, turning to leave. 'Not this time, woman.' I catch her wrist quickly, turning her back around. "I didn't catch your name."

She gives me a shy smile, biting at her lower lip. "It's Kasey." I brush my fingers down her wrist, running them down to her finger tips. I watch her closely as her eyes flicked nervously to mine. She pulls away, wiping her hand on the side of her jeans, looking down at her shoes. I take the opportunity to move closer to her, looking down at her. Trailing my fingers up her arms, her neck and shoulders to remove the hairband from her hair. Her thick hair covers her shoulders and frames her face in waves, her light blue eyes looking up into mine. 'she looks so innocent.' She lightly presses her hands against my chest, her bottom lip clenched between her teeth as she leans closer. The sweet smell of lavender wafts over me makes me feel light headed. I bite the inside of my cheek raising a hand to tug her bottom lip, I lick my lips my eyes flicking to hers. "The things I would do to this mouth."

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