Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I looked down at the yellow page, and squished writing, feeling fear rising in my throat. I swallowed, and looked at Isabelle.

“Do you know anything else about you're mom that could help me figure out witch Mary Smith is her?” I asked. “Please.”

Isabelle blinked. “No.”

I sighed, and reached for my cell phone, starting to dialed the first number.

“Pick up pick up,” I mumbled, waiting for an answer. James and Isabelle just stared at my with their big eyes. Isabelle clutched the stuffed animal to her chest tighter, as if she could feel my fear.


“Hi,” I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking. “Is this Mary Smith?”

“Uh huh.”

“Um, do you have a daughter named Isabelle by any chance?”

“Uh... not that I'm aware of...”

“You sure?”

"Yeah, I'm like 22. I'm even still a virgin.”

"Oh, well thanks.”

“And don't tell me it's weird to still be a virgin at 22 because I-”

Even though I was dying to hear why this Mary Smith was still a virgin at 22, I hung up and grabbed a marker, checking off the first Mary Smith.

“Can we watch Sheriff Callie?” James asked.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, starting to dial the next number.

James headed to the living room to watch whatever Sheriff Callie was. As I hit the talk button, I looked up from the book to see that Isabelle was still standing in front of me.

I was about to tell her that she could go watch tv too, but the second Mary Smith answered on the first ring, so I didn't have a chance.

“You have a lot of explaining to do Martin!” An angry voice answered.

“Um, is this Mary Smith.”

“Oh, you aren't Martin,” Mary Smith said.

“Uh, no.”

“Well, I'm expecting a call from my husband so if you could-”

“I was just wondering if you have a daughter named Isabelle.”

“Oh. No. I have a daughter named Iris though. Is that who you're thinking of. Are you working on that project about the Civil War with her?”

“No,” I said, even though I was supposed to be working on a Civil War project (by myself). Maybe I did go to school with Iris.

“Well, thank you anyway,” I said, hanging up, and checking off the second Mary Smith.

As I called the third Mary Smith, I realized that Isabelle was still staring at me.

“You can go watch tv with James,” I said softly.

Instead, she placed her stuffed animal in my lap. “This is Catbug,” she said. “He's part cat, part bug. He's also very brave, so if you get more scared, you can hug him. He'll help.”

“Thank you,” I said, looking down at the stuffed animal. I realized that is was actually a blue cat with lady bug wings, instead of just a plain lady bug.

Isabelle left for Sheriff Callie, as the third Mary Smith answered.

“This is Mary,” She said.

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