Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Janice come out of there!"

"I can't!" Janice sobbed from inside the supplies closet (by supplies I mean stripper outfits).

I tried to block out the cries coming from the closet as I changed into a black lacy bra and underwear. This was a new outfit, and the bra's under wire was particularly uncomfortable.

The girl pounding on the door sighed, and turned to me. "Can you get her out of there?"

"I don't think so," I said, adjusting my bra.

The girl sighed. "Well, I'm going on in 5 minutes so, I can't."

At that moment Dicky came in. His walk was similar to the stripper walk, but instead of sticking out his non-existing boobs, he stuck out his gut.

"Greetings girls!" He called, as his eyes fixed on one girl's ass.

"Janice locked herself in the closet," A girl in an electric pink thong said.


"Janice. Brown hair. Big boobs. Decent butt."

"Oh, Janice, of course." He strutted over to the supply closet. "Janice, Doll, get out of there."

"No!" Janice cried.

"Woman times," Dicky mumbled, causing every girl in the room to glare at him. "Sweetheart, what man did this too you?"


"Ok, Jenny's off for the night." 


"Yes, yes, of course." Dicky then went strutting away to check out one of the girls boobs.

I sighed, as I tugged at the bra. This was really, really uncomfortable.

"He said he l-loved meeee!" Janice's muffled sobs came through the door.

"Time to go wow some guys, girls," Dicky yelled, leaving for his office.

I adjusted my bra one last time, before tossing my head back, and stripper walking out the doors with the other girls.

The place was packed, every seat taken, guys crowding around the stage. Two girls strutted onto the stage, causing a wave of hoots and whistles to fill the room.

I stripper walked through the room, waiting a minute to see if any guys would call me over. I pursed my lips slightly, and tried to look seductively around the room.


I turned when hearing my stripper name, seeing a familiar group of guys. Chocolate eyes, his friends, and, Max.

So that's why he wasn't available.


I stripper walked over to them. They were all squished into one table, and most of them were watching the stage, where one of the girls was starting to take her top off.

"Jasmine, good to see you again!" He winked.

I suppressed vomiting.

"Max, we found your girl!" He said to Max.

The guys broke into whistles, looking me up and down- well most of their eyes stopped around my chest.

"One for the gentleman over there," Chocolate eyes said, nodding at Max, and pulling out a wad of cash.

Max looked a little bit terrified. I took Chocolate eyes' money, and stripper walked over to him. "Would you like to go to the back room?" I asked, in my deep stripper voice.

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