Part 10

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I woke up the next morning and headed down to see mom cooking. She looked at me with a sad smile. "Hey Dove." I just walked up to her, giving her a hug. "Mom it wasn't your fault, you just wanted to settle things with him and he blew it out of the waters." She hugged back and then I felt someone else hug me. "I don't know why we're hugging but I like it." We laughed as we sat down for breakfast.

"Lydia I am so sorry for what he said to you as well." Mom said. Lydia shook her head. "No matter what you do, sometimes people won't like you and I don't care what he said because I have a loving family and they know how to dress cause his wife looked like complete sh-" Mom cleared her throat. "Sorry." I rolled my eyes at her but smiled.

"I hate him so much." My eyes stung but I sucked them right back up. "Calm down and eat your bacon before I take them." Lydia said. "Let's not talk about them anymore I wanna hang out with my girls this morning, Evan said he's taking me out for lunch." Evan and mom were getting so close, her eyes lit up every time she mentioned his name. "Oh! Let's watch a thriller, everyone take a shower and meet back her in t minus 20 minutes!" Lydia shoved her food in her mouth as we all took off running to our rooms.



Dove and I were home alone and we were bored. I haven't seen my dad in such a long time. "What you thinking about?" She asked. "My dad." She gave me a nod. "Why don't you go see him?" She asked eating a chip. "I'm scared to go there myself so I'll call him and make plans for just the two of us." Dove smiled. "You guys can go to the beach and have fun." That didn't sound like a bad idea.

"That's perfect." She flipped her hair. "I'm a genius." I rolled my eyes. "Not really." Dove turned and gave me a look. "You really wanna do this with me right now?" I laughed stealing her chip. "I'll text him later about it and then I have to ask mom." Dove shook her head. "Mom wouldn't keep you from your father." I know that. "Yeah but she's still my mom."

I sat in my father's car as we drove to the beach. He smiled at me. "So tell me some things that my daughter does?" He asked me with his eyes glued to the road. "Well I like to dance, I sing a little, I sleep a lot, I like to try new makeup, I love food and I have a boyfriend, his name is Xander, oh and I start university in a couple months." He nods. "Always remember, books before boys." I laughed.

"I know dad, you don't have to remind me." He glanced at me. "You called me dad." Oh, yeah I did. "Well you're my dad." When we reached our destination, we got out and and set up. I took off my clothes revealing my bathing suit. "Race ya." Dad said running toward the water laughing. "That's not fair!" I laughed running toward him. I jumped in his back as we collided with the water. "Spare me, oh great shark!" I said dramatically. He laughed at me and shook his head. "You're crazy."

We came out the water as we watched the sun set. I ate my chicken. "Dad, can you tell me what mom was like?" He took a deep breath. "Your mother was crazy, but she was sweet, when I first met her and asked her on a date she laughed in my face. She didn't trust easily back then. She was independent, strong, she was an amazing cook. Vanessa always said, 'Anything you can do I can do better.' She cooked and cleaned, she wanted everything to be in an order if something was out of place someone would have suffered." I giggled.

"She would sing and jump around the house singing that she was bored and used people to test things out on, for example, she made me wear heel so she could have a better view so she could give it to her cousin cause she had, and I quote 'man feet'" I laughed. "I do that too." Dad looked at me with sad eyes. "She couldn't wait for you to grow up, she wanted to do so many things with you." I slightly teared up. "I wish she was here, I would have loved to see the look on her face when she saw you." His voice cracked a little.

"Don't worry, she's watching us right now." I leaned on his shoulder. "You're right and I hope she's proud." I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. "Sleep, I'll take you to the car." I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was at home in my room. I got up and went downstairs to see mom and Evan. "I was just about to wake you up, Evan here wanted to make a date, all of us at his home, this weekend." I nod.

"That's great, I hope you like what I have in store for the meal." He smiled at me. Evan is someone that you can't hate, he's too sweet and he really tries his best with us. "You know I will, Evan, there's no doubt about it." I texted my dad.

I had fun today, tell me when you wanna do this again.

I had fun too and I will tell you where we can go again

I'll be waiting, bye dad, love you

I love you too Lydia

I grinned to myself then I got another text from Xander.

Lover Boy

I hope you had an amazing day and I wanna take you out very soon, I know that I've been busy and I haven't spent a lot of time with you but I'll make it up to you, I promise.

I smiled. I know his father wasn't going easy on him at the firm so I understood.

Just tell me when

Not even a minute later,

Lover Boy
You're the best

I know

Things were just working out for me today.


I was on a walk with Daniel, he held me close as if I was gonna run away from him. "Babe, this guy keeps looking at you." I looked up to see my sperm donor. "That's my dad." He tensed up. "Don't worry, he won't do anything." I assured him.

"Dove, I'm surprised to see you here." I rolled my eyes and kept walking away with Daniel who was very confused. "I'm talking to you, Dove, at least don't be rude." I stopped, turning around. "I'm sorry but the last time I checked, I don't have to give you the time of day." I shot back. "I am your father, Dove." I scoffed. "I don't care, you were never there for me and instead of you trying, you're making it worse for yourself."

I didn't want to make a big scene. He sighed, "It's not my fault your mother was so hard to live with and then you were born and I didn't know what to do, I  tired living with you guys but I wasn't happy." I almost snapped.

"So you left your innocent, 5 year old daughter to be faced with the fact that her own father didn't want her. You ran like the coward you are and didn't even think about my emotions. Did you even think about how I felt? How I was gonna cope with this? I'm guessing no." James backed away. "I think I better go, this isn't going anywhere." He said.

"Babe, you alright?" He asked me which made James stop in his tracks. "So this is your boyfriend?" He gave a bitter laugh. "What is with you and black people?" What the hell? "Excuse me but I just met you and I have no clue who you are and you don't even know me and what I do." Daniel said holding my hand.

"Let's go before I do something I may not regret." I was so tired of this. "When you see me in public, just pretend like I don't exist, you've been doing it all my life." With that we walked away from him. My heart felt heavy, it really did. I just wanted everything to end but it just seems to be getting worse. "Don't worry baby, you know that you have me and your family, you can count on us." I nod. "Can you take me home? I'm feeling a little run down."

He nods at me and took me home. I didn't even bother telling mom or Lydia because I was so done with all this drama. I just wanna live my life without James but it seems to be harder than I thought.

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