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Junkrat never expected to find himself as close to his bodyguard as he had gotten. Friends was one thing, but this was something entirely different. He'd never had anything romantic so-to-speak with anyone, yet he'd seen enough movies in his time to know this was something like it. Although they weren't his favorite kinds, Roadhog watched lots of lovey-type movies. Junkrat liked ones with more action and explosions, but even those tended to have some kind of romance.

Right now, pressed to Roadhog's side while he snored through his mask, his arm loosely holding him...he felt it. His heart beating fast, his stomach fluttering, sweating even with the hideout's air conditioning on full blast. Junkrat couldn't tell if he was imagining it, but they had been more gentle with each other lately. Their latest heist was over, they were laying low and keeping quiet. Roadhog would make food, help Junkrat clean, smoke with him when his phantom pains were acting up, place his larger hands on him when he needed reassurance..ruffle his hair.. God! This was going too far, but he couldn't stop from thinking about what was under that mask of his. What would his lips feel like-- ? He reached up and pressed a hand to his own forehead, was he okay? Why is this all just happening now, why does he feel like this?!

A low grunt and a bit of movement signaled something up with Roadie. Junkrat stilled and tried to pretend he was asleep, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Rat. I know you're awake." His deep voice grumbled tiredly, rolling his head to the side to look at him. "Why are you shaking?" Junkrat opened his eyes wide, was he shaking? He didn't even notice.

"I-I'm not. Just..gettin' sick I think. I'll be fine." He shook his head and tried to dismiss it. There was no way he was gonna tell this big lug he was thinking about him.

"You just got over a cold. You sure?" Roadhog's eyes, even behind the mask, bore into him and made him feel things that weren't normal.

"I...yeah, musta' just come back." He moved his body away from his bodyguard's, facing out into the room instead of into his warm body, even with his arm still under his head. Roadhog made an annoyed noise, almost like a huff, before pressing himself against Junkrat's back. His other arm laid across his upper arm, so gently, even though he knew he could easily break him.

"I think that's bullshit, Jamie." He mumbled, quiet and more growly. Saying his real name, really? Could the fire inside him get any hotter? The answer is yes. Junkrat almost pressed back against him, wanting his touch.

"What're you using my real name for, mate? Why do you care anyway?" He tried to sound angry, but instead it came out nervous and weak.

"You're a bad liar. We both know that." He felt his grip tighten on his arm then slowly release, it made Junkrat physically tense up. "I'm paid to take care of you. What's actually wrong?" Roadhog's voice seemed to lighten as he asked the question, like he knew something was up, like he really was concerned. He gave in.

"I've just been...Thinking stupid shit, stuff that ain't normal." Junkrat didn't want to confess his feelings, he didn't want to lose the only friend he had because of some stupid bullshit thoughts that probably weren't real. Roadie's hand moved down his arm in a comforting way. It made him want to scream.

"Talk to me." His voice lowered, obviously more of a demand than a request, but still being gentle. His hand moved back up and then down again in a comforting way.

"Roadie..." Junkrat seemed to whine, not being able to help himself. He wasn't used to being touched like this, even so innocently. Roadhog stopped, a little shocked, but finally got it.

"This what you wanted?" He got closer, smirking under his mask. No matter how tough the scrawny junker acted, he knew he was starved for affection. A malnourished street dog with a desire to feel loved. He knew how that felt.

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