Chapter Six

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Vegeta stared at Nappa, tail swishing slowly. His eyes still held that emotionless look. Then Nappa saw something that made his stomach lurch. A clean bite mark was on his shoulder, certainly not made by a Saiyan's fangs. Frieza slid up behind Vegeta and ran his tongue over the mark. The small Saiyan released a purr. "Sorry, Nappa," Frieza hissed. "Little too late."

"No!" Nappa bolted upright, growling harshly. Distantly he heard a pleasured scream. He thought he was going to be sick.

Raditz was awake as well. "It's disgusting," he snorted. "He's disgusting. Frieza's just rubbing it in your face, Nappa. He's trying to get you mad."

"He's doing a good job," Nappa sighed, laying down. "Raditz, I don't know how much of this I can take." He curled up tightly and pulled the pillows over his head to try to block the sounds.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Frieza~

Vegeta snuggled in deeper against Frieza with a soft sigh. He was on the verge of sleep when the Icejin pressed his lips against his ear and whispered, "Vegeta... Vegeta, would you tell me something?" He brushed his mouth along the edge of Vegeta's ear.

Vegeta's current state made the sensation crackle through his body. He moaned faintly and snuggled closer. "Yes?"

"I know that when Saiyans mate they do something that bonds them permanently," Frieza murmured against Vegeta's ear. He could feel Vegeta shivering, and certainly not with cold. "And I... Vegeta, I... I want something like that with you." His heart was beating wildly, and he felt Vegeta go still beside him. There was no reply. Now Frieza was the one shivering. "Vegeta?"

Vegeta turned and looked at him, tears in his eyes. Frieza's heart clenched in alarm. "Oh, Vegeta- I'm sorry, what's wrong?" He put his cool hands against Vegeta's face. "Vegeta, what have I done? What's wrong?"

Vegeta leaned into Frieza's touch. "You... You do? W- Why?" His voice cracked slightly. "I'm j- I'm just a S- Saiyan."

Frieza scoffed. "Just a Saiyan? Vegeta, even if you were any other race, I'd still lo-..."  He stopped. Now Vegeta really went quiet. Frieza felt his face heat up and his insides churned. Had he really almost told Vegeta he...?

"Yes?" Vegeta breathed, barely audible. His eyes glittered in the dark. Frieza couldn't breathe. He ran shaking fingers through the dark hair. Forever, yet a heartbeat, passed.

"I... I... love... you..."

Their breaths were short and choppy, both filled with an unexplainable terror. Without even knowing how it happened, they were suddenly kissing gently, over and over and over. Vegeta's tail was bristling. They were as close together as what was physically possible. Frieza still couldn't breathe. The three words that sealed his fate again fell out of his mouth before he could stop himself. "I love you. I love you. I love you. Vegeta- I love you." The Saiyan whimpered as their mouths met again in a delightfully bruising kiss. "I can't help it, I love you, Vegeta. I love you. I don't know why, but I do."

"Frieza," Vegeta gasped, holding his forehead against the Icejin's. "I... I don't know if I can say that."

Frieza looked at him. "What do you mean? Vegeta?"

Vegeta gulped. "I don't think I'm ready to say it yet."

"That's ok." Frieza kissed him again. "You don't have to until you're ready. I just had to tell you. It's so true. And I want you to love me back, but I don't want to hear you say it unless you're sure."

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