Jamilton Story 3

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Third POV.

Alex had tears streaming down his face, those tears falling slowly falling to the floor beneath him. As his world slowly falls apart. 

Two other people in that same hallway as him. One smiling smugly as the other one stands in shock, with tears in his eyes. But he's too prideful to let them fall. He has to stay strong.

"Everyone. Everyone I loved has left me. One way or a Goddamn other!" Alex whispered wiping his cheeks furiously with the end of his sleeves. But to no avail.

"Alex, please-" Thomas whispered trying to take another step towards his boyfriend. His fake boyfriend. 

It was all some cruel joke. James Reynolds, James Madison, Charles Lee, and him had all planned it. Thomas fakes being in love with Alexander to learn more about him, feeds that information back to the others. Gather enough and then break his heart after releasing his secrets to the entire school.

And for a while: it was going as planned. But what wasn't part of the plan, was Thomas falling in love with Alexander as well. He didn't know when exactly. Whether it was the funny attitude he had. His love of knowledge or the way he put others before him. His kind hearted nature. Or how cute he was curled up besides Thomas after sex. 

Which also wasn't part of the plan.

But, it worked for Thomas. He was in love. And it didn't take long. Only the first two months in to the fake relationship and he was head over heels for Alex. It was only supposed to go on for five months or so. 

Yet each time, Thomas not wanting to loose his friends or his boyfriend, he had pushed it off. Saying he needed more time to learn about Alexander for the plan to work. Needed more information. But that was nowhere near the case. 

Thomas had basically found out everything about Alexander. All his secrets. His past back on Nevis. How his father left him and his mother. His mother dying with Alexander right next to her. How Alexander's brother came back after five years for their mother's funeral and to take Alexander to their cousin's house. Peter. Not knowing that he would be abusive to Alex. For not being what he was supposed to be. 

A girl. 

Alexander Hamilton was born Alexis Hamilton. And he told Thomas this the night they first made love. Six months into the relationship. Now, the relationship being eight months long. Reynolds has had enough.

Confronting the couple while they were leaving school and using every single one of Alexander's secrets against him. Even including the one Thomas had only told Reynolds out of peer pressuring.

"Now, Alexis. Don't go crying back to your mommy about this. Oh wait! I forgot, you don't have one." Reynolds said with a evil smirk on his face. Alex let out a loud sob at this and covered his mouth. 

"JAMES!!! STOP!!!" Thomas yelled at his, once, best friend. Reynolds turned his head to his ex-friend and glared at him.

"What do you mean 'stop' when your the one that told me this? This was the plan Thomas! This was how it was supposed to be! We all planned this, you just tried to continue this little 'relationship' with Alexis longer. So I needed to put a stop to it." Reynolds screamed. 

Thomas glared right back at Reynolds, but turned to Alexander, who would surely hate him after this. 

"A-Alexander, please! I'm so, so, so sorry! It-it only started off as fake, but it didn't take long for me to fall for you. The real you. And I'm so sorry that I did this. That I told him, but-but please just let me explain better to you...could we go somewhere more private to talk? Or-or we could-" Thomas stopped talking when Alexander turned to him. 

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