REWRITE: Human! Keebo x Junko Enoshima

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The original was so bad I couldn't stand to read my own work so I rewrote this request of my own free will because it kept nagging me. That poor requestor...

Spoilers to Danganronpa Zero!!!
Also, this is kinda an AU.
(Keebo's POV, First Person)
I stared in shock at the female that had suddenly appeared in my dorm room. Who was she? How did she get in here?

"Wh-who are you?" I demanded, stepping back slightly. I almost tripped over my second grey uniform on the floor, but managed to stay upright.

"Puhuhuhu! My name is Junko Enoshima, and I'm the Ultimate Fashionista! I got bored so I hopelessly appeared in front of you!" this Junko girl stuck out her tongue in a careless manner, raising her hands to add to her pose and smiling.

"Why are you here?!" I immediately pelted another question at her.

"Oh, desperate for answers, are we? Now, there's no need to rush... I didn't even show up for any particular reason! Like I said, I just got bored," Junko crossed her arms and shrugged, then a wide grin spread on her face, "Khahahaha! Isn't that soooo f***in' hopeless? There's no god d*** answer to your question!"

"Did you... just change personality?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, I get bored easily, so I made different personalities. Like, I already got bored of my personality that gets easily bored... geez, even in this killing game I'm still getting bored... this sucks..." Junko chewed on her hair sadly, tears forming in her eyes.

"Wh..." I couldn't even form words anymore. My voice seemed to catch on my throat, and no matter how much I willed it to I couldn't speak. My muscles also seemed to not work either, because I couldn't move them. I was in shock.

"Wow, is it really that shocking to see a high school girl in your room? Geez, I guess you never had a girlfriend before you came here," Junko smiled mockingly.

"It doesn't matter if I've had a girlfriend in the past!" I declared.

Boy, if I had know what was gonna happen a few days later, I would be even more shocked.

"Hello, Keebo!" Junko sang, laying on my bed.

"J-Junko?! What are you doing back in my dorm?!" I exclaimed.

"Enjoying myself. Hmm, you know... I really have a crush on you... so I wonder if this would bring me despair..." Junko pulled out a knife!

"Wh-what are you g-gonna do with th-that?!" I began backing out of my room, but Junko ran ahead and slammed the door shut, pointing the knife at me!

"Not so fast, my little darling~" Junko cooed, smirking, "I get to kill you, just like Matsuda-kun!!!"

Junko stabbed me in the arm deeply, and I screamed out in agony. Next thing I knew, I was stabbed again in the heart.

(Junko's POV)

I stabbed Keebo over and over, while crying. He was already dead, but stabbing his corpse just made me despair more. I was also laughing, of course, as the despair continued to swallow me. I then dropped his corpse to the ground and just like I did to that neurologist, I stamped on him until he was a bloody pulp.

Even his skeleton and bones were broken into little pieces. I was still laughing, feeling a sadness so intense that I was so happy I had done this. The one I loved was killed at my own hands. I didn't want to kill him, but I did it anyways and the despair was amazing!

Still laughing hysterically, I collapsed beside his corpse and continued to laugh. I don't know how long I sat there, laughing. Laughing until his corpse was discovered... laughing while the true mastermind executed me... Until the very end, I was smiling and laughing from the despair. All because I was able to kill that precious Keebo. Truly, wonderful despair.
Word count: 660

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