Our First Encounter

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A/N This is Talia's tightrope walking out fit

Why is it that people seem to hate me at first glance? Why is it where ever I go people judging me, or without them calling me a monster? I could never bring myself to hurt anybody or anything unless absolutely necessary, like if they tried to kill me or anybody I love or unless they've killed a person for some stupid reason. Pretty much everyone I know, other than the other 'freaks' here in the circus, think that I'm some sort of monster because I have red hair and golden eyes. I've been called so many different name like monster, Satan spawn, or...

"BEASTY! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!" The ring master shouted from the center of the group of circus people.

"Y-Yes sir, c-coming sir." I said as I quickly ran over to him.

"Get to your spot, you're up next." He grumbled.

"Y-Yes sir." I quickly said  getting to my spot next to the latter to wait for my cue.

"And Now We Present Our Flexible Tightrope Freak, Talia!" Ring master yelled as the spot light was turned to me as I started climbing the latter.

"Look at her hair." I heard someone from the stands say to the person next to them, as I cart wheeled across the rope the walked back in a bridge form.

Before I did my final trick I looked out into the crowd and saw a boy about my age look up at me with a huge smile before saying, "Wow," and turn to his mother to whisper something into her ear.

The boy's mother looked up at me with a smile I've never seen before, this smile showed kindness, it honestly shocked me at first but I quickly pulled my head back into reality and did a flip landing perfectly on my feet bending backwards enough that my head went in between my legs causing everyone to gasp.

Before I climbed down from the platform I looked back to where I saw the boy only to see that he only has his left causing me to feel a slight pang in my heart. I was going to look for them to ask them why they didn't say anything mean about me, but before I could I heard my name being called.

"Beasty! Beasty Get Over Here!" Ring master shouted pissed about something.

"Y-Yes sir, c-coming sir." I said quickly running up to him just to see the boy and his mother standing with him.

"There are people here that wish to meet you." his voice alone scared me.

"Good evening Deary, my name is Rachel Phantomhive and this is my son Ciel..." Lady Phantomhive was saying before the boy known as Ciel cut in.

"We are wondering if you would like to come live with us?" He Cheered.

" O-Oh m-my Lady I-I w-would love th-that v-very m-much." I said happily as I bowed.

"Oh dear child you don't need to bow." Lady Phantomhive smiled.

"Um excuse me but what is you name? I don't like the name Beasty." Ciel said tilting his head.

"M-My name i-is T-Talia." I said shyly.

"Talia what, dear?" Lady Phantomhive asked.

"T-Talia S-Sutcliff, ma'am." I stuttered.

"That's a really pretty name Talia Sutcliff." Ciel said happily.

"Th-Thank you." I blushed slightly.

"Now than, go and retrieve your things Talia dear." Lady Phantomhive said pushing me slightly.

"Y-Yes ma'am." I said running off to tell Snake the happy news.


"Snake!" I shouted skidding to a stop in front of a tall man with silver hair and golden eyes.

" What is it Mi'lady?" He asked me with a smile.

"L-Lady Phantomhive is taking me h-home with her." I said hugging him.

"That's fantastic to hear Mi'lady!" He said picking me up and twirling me in circles.

"W-Wait, if I leave than who are you going to sleep next to when you have nightmares again?" I said realizing that he has nightmares quite often.

"Don't worry Mi'lady I have Oscar and them to help me."He smiled. Oscar is his favorite snake because he came when I was born.

"All right, but I promise to write to you everyday." I said letting a tear roll down my face.

"And I promise to write back once I get them." He said kissing my tears.

"I wish you could come with, I don't know how I'm going to live without you." I hugged him tightly.

"Talia, you don't have to worry about me because I swear that one day I will come and look for you." He smiled as he put Oscar on my shoulders.

"Why are you putting Oscar on my  shoulders?" I asked as I petted Oscar's head.

"Because as long as you have him with you I will be able to find you, and he promises me he'll protect you." Snake said kissing Oscar on the head then kissing my head.

I really am going to  miss you Onii-san." I said hugging him one last time.

"I'll miss you too Mi'lady. Now go they're waiting for you." He said quickly hugging me back.


On our way to the Phantomhive manor it was pretty quiet. Ciel was asleep and I was dozing off when I started to cough. I quickly wiped my mouth hoping the Lady Phantomhive didn't notice that I accidentally spit a little.

"Talia dear are you alright?" She asked concerned. 

"Yes, I'm fine ma'am." I said quickly before turning to look out the window, just in time to see a huge house with a giant garden.

"Ciel, We're home." Lady Phantomhive said lightly shaking the sleeping boy.

"Oh Talia I'm going to show you the whole manor!" Cheered Ciel as the buggy came to a stop.

"I-I w-would love th-that v-very much C-Ciel." I smiled as he dragged towards the manor.


Hey guys I hope you like the first chapter because honestly this is the latest fanfic I've written but the first I've posted on wattpad. So I was thinking later on when Lizzy comes in, should she be a bitch or should she be kind? If she was bitchy then Talia and her could have a duel. So please let me know :) Thanks a lots you guys <3 <3

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