September Rain

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11th September, 2001

The alarm buzzes, it’s 6AM in the morning, i have to go to work early today as it is a big day for me. Today my dad will be proud of me, for the first time he will pat my back. I always looked up to my dad, he was my idol. My dad had built up a multinational company from the scratch on the streets of New York city. There won’t be a guy in the city who wouldn’t know about him. He is Arthur Scott, Yes you got it right, I am his one and only son Ethan Scott.

Today i am going to join my dad’s office as the junior vice president of the firm. It is 6:20 and i am all set to go, i am sooo excited and eager to go to work today, I have never been this excited in the 22 years of my life! I had all the fun that spoiled rich kids do but this time i meant serious business.

I call my driver to get the car ready, my heart skipped a beat at every step I went closer to that office, closer to my idol, my dad.

i step into that car of mine, my driver starts the engine and we are headed towards the main central office. As I go I think about the day, how it will be, the appreciation that I always needed, the appreciation I ached for my whole life, I was gonna get it from him today! All these years it has been like he has not noticed me, how talented I am, he has been busy the whole time but soon everything will be alright :)

I saw the 110 floored building approach. Never knew where the time passed in all those thoughts, it was 6:50 already, the meeting with my dad and others was scheduled at 8:30.

We had reached to center, I stepped out of the car, took some fresh breathe in and exhaled it out slowly, relaxing myself slowly and boosting my self esteem. As I walked through the main door, I was saluted by the guard that was standing near the glass door, never had been saluted in my life before, as I walked forward I was greeted by a gorgeous lady who surprisingly, was my assistant. She walked me to my office, on my way I noticed something unusual, everyone smiled at me and some of the staff in my office stood up, looked like everyone here knew me already, everyone was expecting me while I was expecting my dad.

It was 8:00 AM in no time, meanwhile i prepared a small speech that i would present in front of everyone present in the meeting, including my father! He wouldn’t have expected me to come prepared with a speech, he would be shocked and as i assume also proud of me.

I talked to my assistant about my father’s whereabouts, she said he was currently visiting some important client at the moment, she also said that he will be here as soon as possible. I always had this feeling that he won’t come but she assured me that no matter what he would be here.

I had a cup of coffee and then I headed to the conference room where the meeting was supposed to take place. It was 8:25, I went there a little early as I could check whether dad was back or not but, as per what i thought, he is not there yet.

Well here I am, sitting with a bunch of old people I barely know and while on the contrary they knew me well enough. Again, with the help of my assistant i got acquainted with everyone present their. It was 8:30 already and my dad still wasn’t here, the other members asked me to start off but I halted them for about 5 mins to see if my dad comes in a while or not. As expected he was not here, seemed all the things I have done, all this preparation was for nothing. I was once again taken for granted by my very own father.

I was asked to begin with my speech and addressing as well as introducing myself to everyone present there. and I began my speech -

“It’s never late to be what you might have been, today on this occasion, I Ethan Scott, seize the opportunity to be the son, be the person Arthur Scott, my father always wanted me to be... I always looked up to him....... I am obliged and extremely thankful to everyone present here for hearing me out loud!”

While addressing the speech I only wished that he was here, after all I wrote that for him. Everyone is applauding for me, but the only applause I needed was not present. I look at the clock that is across the room to see the time, it was 8:45:30, I remember that exactly because at that very moment, someone entered from that door, someone I had been expecting the whole time. I see that he is coming towards me, the time is passing slowly, he is looking at everyone applauding for me, everyone telling him about me, who I am. I still see him coming towards me, we are merely 6 feet away from each other and I look at the clock again, to see the time pass slowly, pretending to be angry and pretending to ignore him. Nearly a whole minute has passed, it is 8:46:20, I look at him, he is coming towards me, we are only at a distance of 3 feet. I see that he is coming to hug me tight, I see the pride in his eyes, It was the moment I had been waiting for ever, The pat I was aching for, the appreciation I needed.

BUT IT WAS TOO LATE, EVERYTHING WAS BLACKED OUT. It was 8:46:30, there was a airplane hit on the building that we had our conference room and central office in, I am nearly dead, unable to move and I see my father holding my hand but it was too late, he was dead already. I took my last breathe and rested in peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2012 ⏰

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