Do You Hear What I Hear

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Yuki, Zero, and Cross walked leisurely towards the Moon Dorms with food and presents occupying each of their arms. They had been invited to the annual Christmas Party that Ichijo loved to hold every year. The hyperactive vampire just loved the Christmas season and loved to celebrate it in as many ways as possible: this included spending as much time as physically possible with the friends he treats as family.

So once again, the party was to be held around six pm and continue until midnight which would let everyone know that it was Christmas day. It wasn't hard to hold the party since the school was on vacation for the holidays and the only ones still left on campus were the Chairman and his family, of course, and Kaname's inner circle of people.

Of course, we already know that there is only one person who isn't too thrilled about being in the company of a handful of the Night Class on Christmas Eve. Then again, it really didn't matter what the holiday was, Zero Kiryuu was just never going to get along with or like any vampires. Well, perhaps with the exception of Kaname. Zero would never admit it, but he relaxed immensely whenever that arrogant pureblood was in his presence, and this annoyed the hunter greatly. Thus, driving him to be especially moody towards Kaname to try to hide his ever growing affection for the older male.

However, Zero couldn't do anything about this seeing as Yuki had threatened him with bodily harm if he didn't come to the party. The silver haired teen still could have refused because he was sure that Yuki wasn't the worse threat in the world, but the girl had looked so desperate he just couldn't say know. Zero mentally damned the girl's motivational skills.

The trio arrived at the door to the dorms and Yuki knocked excitedly and waited before the door opened to reveal a smiling Takuma wearing a Santa hat. He beamed at them and opened the door wider so that they could make their entrance.

"Yuki-chan, Chairman, Kiryuu-kun, I'm so glad you were able to make it. Please come inside and make yourselves at home. Eat, live, laugh, and enjoy!" he stated happily and took some of the load off of each one of them. Both the Chairman and Yuki smiled brightly while Zero just grunted and subtly looked around, not too comfortable knowing that Kaname could be anywhere and show up at any given time. Leave it to Yuki to force him to leave Bloody Rose back in the Sun Dorms.

"Thank you for inviting us Takuma-sempai! We're always happy to attend your parties; you have something new and fun to do every time." Yuki responded honestly grateful. She then excused herself to go talk with Rima who sat on the couch next to Shiki; both were immersing themselves in their two boxes full of chocolate flavored pokey. Takuma laughed at her as she sat down with them and joined right in with the food sharing. Chairman also expressed his gratitude and took Zero's remaining load while accompanying the Vice President to the kitchen to put some of the food away.

The hunter stood awkwardly in place for a minute not sure of where to go next. Yuki was already flowing right into the Christmas mix that was engulfing the Moon Dorm's recreation area, and he didn't know any of the other vampires well enough to even sit down and talk about nothing. (Not that he wanted to get to know them, or course.) So the teen thought of the next best thing and resided himself to standing silently against the wall while observing others' Christmas spirit. He always hated this time of year anyway since it was around this time his parents were murdered and his life changed forever.

Zero shook his head softly. Now was neither the time nor the place to start getting caught up in those memories. The last thing he needed was to start crying in front of these blood suckers. A frustrated sigh escaped Zero's lips as he closed his eyes. This was going to be a long night.

"You know if you actually tried interacting with people, your stay might not be so boring." A voice rang to Zero's left. The hunter opened his eyes to come face to face with the very person he was hoping he wasn't going to see.

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