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October 8, 1998

"I'm sorry Dream Finder but we have to let you and Figment go for now..."Those were the words Dream Finder and Figment thought they would never hear. 

"What are we going to do now Dream Finder?"Figment asked with a depressed look on his face. "I don't know Figment...I don't know." Dream Finder said slightly without any emotion.

His whole world came crashing in on itself. He lost his purpose life. He lost drive. He lost his joyfulness. He lost opportunity to teach people about the wonders of imagination. Most important importantly he lost his spark.

Figment didn't know what to say. Usually he would try to be say something comforting or try to cheer Dream Finder up. But he can't here. There's no positive way to look at this and he doesn't want to upset by trying to be comforting.

When Dream Finder and Figment went home they didn't say anything to each other. Dream Finder went to his room and cried. Figment didn't know what do. He decided to talk to Dream Finder in the morning. Maybe then they could try to figure what their next step was. After all, they've been a team for years and Dream Finder never gives up and never gives up hope. That's why he's called the Dream Finder isn't it.

When Figment go up in the morning he went to Dream Finder's room. "Dream Finder? Are you okay?" Figment said opening the door flying into the room only to find Dream Finder gone and several items and clothing. "Dream Finder? Where are you? Are you alright?" He yelled looking around the room but couldn't find him. He then flew around the house at break neck speed looking for his creator and friend but couldn't find a trace of him. He went outside to look only to find the Dreamcatcher was gone as well.

He then fell to the ground crying his eyes out. "Dream Finder... after everything we've been through why did you leave me behind." He lost his job and his friend in the span of just 2 days. He searched for months for Dream Finder but never found a trace of him. He called the police and others to search for Dream Finder but they came up with nothing as well.On that day, a bit of Figment died. He lost the one person he loved more than anyone and the one he was inspired by. Most importantly, it wasn't the duo of the Dream finder and Figment anymore. It was just Figment. He lost a bit of his one little spark and inspiration that day.

Journey into imagination: The search for Dream FinderWhere stories live. Discover now