Chapter 2

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"Do you have all your things,
Y/N?" The captain asked from the boat.

"Yes, I do. Thank you so much for taking me here!" I said, looking away from the trees in front of me.

"Ok, well I'm gonna head back! Have fun and be careful!" He said, slowly making the boat turn around.

"I will!" I said enthusiastically.

Once the boat was out of site, I began looking through one of my bags. I pulled out a green v neck shirt and grey jeans with a hole cut in them for a tail. I began changing out of the clothes I was wearing on the boat. After I was in my new clothes, I put the clothes I was wearing before away.

Cautiously, I began walking through the trees. Peeking from behind a tree, I saw it, where the hybrids live. Other than the inhabitants, it looked like an abandoned city, with up to 7 story tall buildings, small restaurants and cafés, and houses all with moss, vines, broken windows, peeling paint, pretty much everything to make it seem like no one lived there. Once I had sat admiring for awhile, I quickly climbed up a tree to hang my bags. I didn't want to pack them around with me so I just took my phone and wallet with old hybrid currency with me.

After climbing back down I began walking through the town. When I had been walking for awhile I came to a small café that seemed to be the best kept. As I walked closer, I saw a cat hybrid guy sitting at a table with a few bigger guys standing around him.

The cat hybrid wore a black shirt with a cut by the collar. His light brown hair contrasted slightly with his jet black cat ears.

The bigger guys were a coyote and two foxes. The coyote was wearing a grey shirt with a leather jacket. His light grey ears sat atop his black hair. The foxes both had a cut on their orange-red ears. They both wore jean jackets one with a white shirt and the other with a black shirt. The three bigger ones were bullying the cat hybrid.

"Come on lil kitty! Go back to your misfit friends and get outta here!" The coyote said.

"Yeah!" The foxes said in sync.

"I don't want to yet. I'm trying to draw something and drawing here is my favorite." The cat replied timidly.

"If we have to make you, we won't be nice about it." The coyote said, leaning over the table.

"Hey!" I yelled walking up to them.

"Who are you?" The coyote asked.

"Doesn't matter. How about you guys get out of here and leave him alone!" I snapped with a glare.

The foxes looked up at the coyote as if they were searching for what to do next. The coyote stared at me for a minute before gesturing for the foxes to follow, as he began walking away.

Once they were out of sight I heard the cat hybrid say something. "Thank you... but you didn't have to." He said quietly, not taking his eyes off his paper.

"But they were bullying you. I couldn't just let them." I said, looking at him with concern.

"Well you'd be the first. Thank you for sticking up for me." He said, still very timid.

"You're welcome. I'm just glad they gave up so easily!" I said cracking a smile.

He smiled as he looked up at me, his eyes then going wide.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" I asked with a grin.

"Uh... yeah, yeah sure." He said trying to clear a little room for me at the table. I smiled as I sat down.

His features seem familiar but I couldn't quite remember where I've seen them before.

"So what's your name? I asked.

"I'm Taehyung, but you can call me Tae. How about yours?" He asked.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you Tae!" I said with a smile.

We started off with small talk for awhile but soon I became curious about something.

"What did those guys mean when they told you to 'go to your misfit friends'?" I asked.

"Oh, well I'm in a group that takes in hybrids that don't fit in with other groups. So we're literally called "Misfits". For the most part, they're the only friends I have." He said, looking down.

"Oh ok. I get it now." I said.

"Would you like to meet them?" He asked getting wide eyed.

"Sure!" I said.

Time skip

He walked me to a large volcano shape stone building, with multiple designs carved into it, along with the word "MISFITS" spray painted in purple at the top.

"Here is where we all live!" He said with a smile.

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