part 14

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<<Zach's POV STILL>>

<<Back to the hotel>>  

We went back to the hotel. Y/N walked into the room with us. I pulled Y/N into a hug. "I don't want you to leave," I said. "Correction. you're leaving me." I chuckled. "Plus, you want to go on tour. It's incredible on how far you guys have gotten." We both look into the room. Jonah and Daniel were having a pillow fight.

Obviously, Jonah was winning. We went inside the room. I sat on the couch while Y/N joined the pillow fight. I and Christina were just sitting a watching. Daniel was beating Jack with a pillow. While I was watching, someone hit me with a pillow. I look behind me to see Y/N laughing at me. Everyone looked at us. "Run Y/N!!!" Corbyn shouted. I chased Y/N around the room.

She looked over her shoulder to see how far I was behind her. She ended up running into a wall in the process. I bend down on my knees to see if she ok. She's just laughing."Are you ok?" I ask in between laughter. She nods and laughs. "I guess I can do this then." I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

"ZACHARY DEAN HERRON YOU BETTER PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed. I threw her on the couch. "Thank you." I looked at her evilly. I start to tickle her. She bursts into a pit of laughter. I tickle her for like 5 minutes straight.

We all decide to sit down and watch a movie. Coco was on, so we watched that. 30 minutes into the movie Y/N was asleep on my shoulder. I slowly shake her awake. She groans. "Do you want me to drive you home?" I whisper. She shook her head slowly. "Do want to stay the night here?" she nods slowly. "I'll be right back."

she rubs her eyes and gets off me. I go into my suitcase and grab a pair of my sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Change into this." I hand her my clothes. She goes to the bathroom and changes. "Is she staying the night?" Jack askes. I nod. "She's too tired to leave, plus she doesn't want to leave us,"I say while not taking my eyes off the T.V.

Y/N comes out. My clothes are really big on her but they work. She sits down next to me again. I wrap my arm around her. "These smell like you," she says. I smile. " You smell really good." I chuckle. she's so cute. You could tell by the sound of her voice she was still half asleep. a couple of minutes. Y/N falls asleep again. The boys go to bed and Christina goes back home. I sleep on the couch while the other guys share the 2 rooms. 

I slowly slide us to the point where we were laying down. Y/N shifts around to a comfortable position. She barries her face in my chest. I wrap both arms around her. I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes. "I love you, Zach," she mumbles. I hear soft snores after. I smile. I wanted to tell her I love her, but she's asleep so what good would that do. 


I wake up to the sounds of cameras clicking and flashes going off. "Could you keep it down." Y/N groans. I smile a little. She barries her face in the crook of my neck, and attempts to go to sleep. I play with her hair while she goes back to sleep. 

20 minutes later we wake up to the same thing. "5 more minutes." Y/N  mumbles. "Then in 5 minutes you'll wake up to cameras again," Jack says. "I know I don't want to get up either," I whisper. 

"When does your flight leave?" she askes. "We have to leave her at 2 PM."Jack answers. Y/N looks at a clock on the wall. "Then why the hell are you waking me up at 5 in the morning!" Y/N says. Jack smiles and shrugs. Even he's still in his pajamas. "I'm going back to sleep." she buries her face in my chest and sighs. "You smell really good." she says. "so do you." we both try to go to sleep, but couldn't. "I'm going to go home and get some clothes." I'll be back in 20 minutes," She says.

Y/N leaves the room. I sigh and smile. "Looks like someone's been hit with a love ray," Jack says. "Could this day get any better," I say. "Yes and no. Yes because we'll go back home and No because you'll have to leave her." I frown. "right." 

<<Your POV>>

I get in my car and squeal. I love Zach. But he's leaving for tour, and I don't want to start anything. I drive home. Everyone was asleep. I wrote a note saying that I fell asleep at a friends house and will be back this afternoon. 

I order an Uber, so I won't waste much gas on

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I order an Uber, so I won't waste much gas on. I put on a light layer of mascara. I run outside and the Uber is waiting. I hope in. The guys clearly look upset and tired. But not my problem. 

The guy drops me off at the hotel. I pay him and run inside. Zach gave me his key card since we are always together. I get inside. I hear snorting from the rooms, but I don't see Zach on the couch. I look at the T.V to see a note on it.


Meet me in Time Square. Can't wait to see you beautiful


I grab the note a run to get on a bus. It's 5:30 in the morning and people are still out and about. That's why NYC is called the city that never sleeps. I get off at the closest stop to Time Square. Honestly, New York is beautiful when it is dark. More lights. More color. 

I walk around till I see a familiar face a few feet away. I run up to him and give him a hug. "Well good morning," Zach says while laughing at me. "So what do you have planned?" I asked. "Well, all I know is that at 8, we are going to meet the guys for breakfast." I smile. 

I and Zach walk around the streets of NYC. We stop at a gift shop so he can get something.  He ends up getting an 'I love New York' shirt. I smile at how cute he is. He looks up and flashes a bright smile at me. I look down to hide how hard I was blushing. 


Hey guys 

Continued next chapter

Love Ya



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