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"Ariel. Ariel. Ariel! Wake up!" I faintly heard my mother say as I felt myself being shaken. "Time to get ready for school!" She said cheerfully causing my to groan. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against school...it's waking up I have a problem with.

When my mom left the room, I went into the bathroom that I share with my older brother Eric and took a shower. Once I was done I wrapped myself in my towel and walked back into my room to get dressed. After a while of debating I chose a coral lacey dress and a black cardigan on top. Nothing out of the ordinary. I always wear dresses. I don't know why I just like them.

I walked over to my dresser and picked up my brush so I could do my hair. "There." I whispered to myself as I set my hairbrush on my dresser. I ran my fingers through my bright red hair a couple times just to make sure I had done a good job of brushing it before I put it into a loose side braid. Then I quickly grabbed my mascara and put a couple layers on my eyelashes to help make my blue eyes pop and I was ready.

I grabbed my school bag off of my bed and ran down the stairs to see my older brother Eric eating breakfast. In his boxers. And nothing else.

"Eric? Do my eyes a favour and put some clothes on. This is where people eat." I said as I walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. "So this is fine in the pool but now all of a sudden it's a big deal? It's like girls and their 'OMG guys can't see me in a bra but I need to go buy the skimpiest swim suit I can find'!" He retorted in a high pitched voice.

"Not all girls are like that!!" I shouted. "Just the ones you hang out with. Although I'm not sure if they care about guys seeing them in a bra." I added with some sass. My brother is one of the popular guys in school so naturally he hangs out with the popular girls. Don't get me wrong he's not the type to sleep around. That's just almost everyone he hangs out with. Honestly I'm not even sure my brother even likes half the people he's 'friends' with. Out of the populars at school, I've only seen my brother willingly hang out with a few of them. Including his best friend since pre-school. Carson Matthews. You could say I have a small crush on him. Or a big crush on him. Ya that's probably more accurate.

"Oh shut up Ari you know I don't like those girls." Eric groaned. "Fine I'm sorry Er." I said as I ruffled his hair and picked up a muffin from the table. "You can drive me to school right?" I asked after a minute. "Ya I just have to pick up Carson on the way, okay?" He asked. "Sure whatever." I replied playing it cool.

"Mom?" I heard Eric ask when she walked into the kitchen. "Can Carson, Jesse and Alex come over for a swim after school?" "Ya that's fine. Ariel you can have some friends over too if you want." She replied almost instantly. My mom is pretty easy going. As long as it's legal and not deadly pretty much anything is fine as long as we ask her or my dad.

I pulled out my phone and texted my friends Clarissa and Keira asking if they wanted to come over. After about 30 seconds I got a yes from Clarissa and a "sorry I'm busy" from Keira. I told my mom and then ran up to my room to grab shoes for school.

After a couple of minutes I decided on my black ballet flats. "ARI!" I heard Eric call from downstairs. "WE NEED TO GO!" "COMING!" I shouted back. I smoothed out my dress, picked up my bag and made my way downstairs. "Ready?" He asked when he saw me. I nodded and we each gave my mother a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out to Eric's car.

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