The Start of Everything

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(Hey guys, if you're reading this I wanna say thanks for reading my book, this is my first book and I'm sorry for any spelling mistake, I suck at spelling. If you guys have any ideas for the book let me know. Now I hope you enjoy!)

Emma's POV

It's my first day of high school. I had to start half way through the year because my father is a famous model and my mother is a famous designer, so we've been traveling a lot but we've finally decided to stop travelling and live in Paris, where my parents grew up. My mother is Marianette and my father is Adrien Agrest, they used to be Paris's famous superheros Ladybug and Chat Noir. They told me that once I was born they stopped being superheros to become a family.

I rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed, grabbed some toast and ran to school. Just before I got there I saw an old man had fallen over, I went over to help him. "Thank you young lady." He smiled at me. He looks kinda familiar.. I push the thought aside. "No problem sir, have a nice day!" with that I ran off to the school. I made it to school just before the bell ran and I saw a girl with blonde hair and blue bell eyes staring at me.

Charlotte's POV

I saw the most beautiful girl run into the school. She had blue hair that came half way down her back and emerald green eyes that shone in the light. The moment I saw her I think I fell in love. I wonder if she'll be in my class.

No one's POV

Charlotte and Emma walked to class. Emma didn't realise charlotte was staring at her.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Hawkmoth trying to fly

No one's POV

The day has ended and Charlotte and Emma went home. Emma lived in a house next door to the school, Charlotte lived in a mansion 3 blocks from the school. When the two walked into their rooms they noticed a little brown box with red carvings on them, curiosity got the better of them and they opened the box.

Emma's POV

As soon as I opened the box there was a blinding light, once that was gone I found a little black flying cat and a silver ring in the box. "Hi, my name's Plagg and I'm a kwamii, I grant superpowers, yours is the power of destruction. " He explained. "what's your name?" he said looking at me. I was almost to shocked to speak. "I'm Emma Agrest.""wait, Agrest? Like Adrien Agrest?" "Yeah, he's my father." The little kwamii's eyes lit up. "ADRIEN!!!!" He screamed.

My dad ran up to my room looking shocked. "Plagg?!?" He said confused. The little black kwamii flew to my dad and hugged him. Dad returned the hug. "what's going on?" I asked confused. "Emma, remember how I told you I was a superhero?" "yeah... wait, am I going to be the next Chat Noir?!?" Plagg and my father nodded together. We all celebrated a bit too loudly and mum came up to my room. "What's going on up here?" she asked then stopped when she saw Plagg. "Marianette!" Plagg flew over to her and hugged her too. "So, does this mean my little Emma is going to be Chat Noir?" "Yeah mum, it does." I replied. We all hugged the little kwamii. I thought to myself, if I was Chat Noir, then who will be Ladybug? "Can I have some cheese now?" The little kwamii asked. Way to kill the moment Plagg...

Charlotte's POV

While opening the box I saw a blinding light, then what looked like a red, flying rat with black spots appeared in front of me. I dropped the box and moved away from the flying, thing, unsure if it was dangerous. "Hello, my name is Tikki. I am what is known as a kwamii. Can you please tell me your name?" "I-it's C-C-Charlotte." I said terrified. "I can see that your afraid of me, that happened last time too." "What do you mean 'last time'?" I asked as a little bit of my fear dissipated, replaced by curiosity. "Well, last time I met my holder, she got really scared of me too. I had to explain everything to her and she was still a little scared." I listened to the little kwamii and felt bad for her, she wasn't scary, just misunderstood.

"Well can you please explain to me what's happening and what being 'your holder' means?" I asked still confused. "Of course, so if your are a holder, you get granted superpowers are a able to become a superhero. You fight villain's with your partner, Chat Noir. You become the famous superhero, Ladybug." She explained with a smile. "But how do I become Ladybug?" I asked understanding now. "You put in the earrings and say 'Tikki, spots on' then you transform into Ladybug." The little black and red kwamii explained. "Before you try and transform I need to tell you that no one can know that your Ladybug." I gave Tikki a confused look. "Why can't I tell anyone?" I asked her. Why was it so important to keep this a secret?As if the kwamii read my mind, she responded with, "It's important to keep your identity a secret because if you don't then the villain know as Hawkmoth will be able to track you down and he could hurt those closest to you." After she said that I realised just how important this role is.

"Why me?" "Huh?" "Why was I chosen for this, you could have chosen anyone, but you chose me...why?" Tikki looked at me with a look that spoke so many words. It said so much about what she saw from me, what she knew, and what she had experienced. It was the look of someone wise. "You were chosen because of who you are. Master Fu believed that there was something special about you, and I can see why. You seem like a lovely girl Charlotte, you seem kind, smart, and strong minded, your willing to help others, no matter what the task is. You are a special girl, I just know it." As Tikki finished her speech I looked at her with tears in my eyes. The kwamii grew worried for a moment before I pulled her into a hug. Despite the obvious size difference, the kwamii hugged back. While this happened I found myself with one question, who will be Chat Noir?

(That's all for this chapter, if you guys want me to continue this story let me know, till next time guys!)

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