It Would Be A Privlege To Have My Heart Broken By You Chp6

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We see the lads at the mall's food court getting McDonald's

"Hey guys! Guess who went shopping!" I say to all the lads jumping

"Hey girl, guess who doesn't care, but you look sexy!" Harry says as gets up to come near me

"Don't talk to her that way, and she has a name, it's Amber and I think you should learn it" Zayn says jumping in front of me taking up for me

"Thanks Zayn but it's fine" I say walking up to Harry growling

"Geshh okay." Harry says as he backs away from me

"So what's next?" I asked setting everything down while plopping on the stool

"Hey Zayn can you watch my stuff? I have to use the ladies room" I say as I wait for Zayn to answer

"Sure. Just be careful in there okay?" Zayn says taking my seat as I get up

"Uhh okay?" I say in confusion

Amber's Pov*********************

Who asks someone to be careful in the bathroom? I think in my head as I walk to the bathroom

Surprisingly no one was in there but this one Chinese lady that was washing her hands as I walked in

"How are you today?" The lady says turning the water off blow drying her hands

"I'm good how about yourself?" I ask her

"Couldn't be better" The Chinese lady says as she walks out of the bathroom

Well that was weird. I think to myself as I look in the mirror.

All of a sudden the lights start to flicker, then shut completely off.

"Zayn? Louis? Harry, Stop messing with me you guys" I say as Im still looking into the mirror

"I know you guys are playing a joke on me, you better come out now before I bring out the bad boys" I say as my fangs instantly grew out of my mouth

"AmberLynn Christina Bieber I don't think that will be necessary" A mysterious deep voice says

"H-How do you know my name? Who are you, and what do you want from me?!" I say as the mirror is cloudy and I can't see my reflection anymore

"You don't need to know who I am. But just know that I know everything about you." The mysterious voice says

"Just Let me go." I say as I try to walk out the door but realize that the door isn't there

"AmberLynn Your not going anywhere." the mysterious voice says in a creepy laugh

"Help! Help! Anyone!? I scream

" No one can hear you, there's no use AmberLynn" The voice says

"For 1. They will come for me. and for 2. Its Amber" I say as a black figure comes out of the mirror

"No okay! I'm sorry! please don't hurt me!" I say about to piss my pants forgetting that I had to pee

"ZAYN! LIAM!? ANYONE?!" I scream as the lads break into the bathroom

"Who was that!!?" I ask as I cross my legs in discomfort

"His name is Will Andsworth, he is a vampire trying to take your powers which you don't have yet" Niall says as he shatters the mirror into pieces

"Well what's my power?" I ask in curiosity

"We don't know yet, your gonna have to find out on your own. You don't have the skill yet to earn your powers" Harry says

"The only way he can communicate with you is through mirrors, so we have to keep you away from them" Liam says

"WHAT!? But I need mirrors you don't know how hard it is to do makeup without a mirror!? Look to see if I don't have a booger!? See if my bra strap isn't showing!? how is it even possible to live without mirrors?!" I say as I look at the ground

"You don't need makeup? Your beautiful the way you are?" Liam says as Zayn changes the whole subject

"Its the only way." Zayn says lifting my chin up forcing me to look at him which made the lads growl

"Fine" I say as I start to feel weak and faint

Zayn was there to instantly catch me as I fell

"W-Whats wrong with me? I ask him looking into his eyes

"Her eyes are turning red?" Zayn says

"Lads she needs food." Zayn says as he bites my wrist and puts it up to my mouth

I gulp down every last drop of blood in my wrist and I instantly feel better

"Mmmmmmmmm." I say as Zayn helps me up off of the ground

"I believe you owe me? Zayn says with a smirk on his face them starts laughing

" Yes... I say giving Zayn a kiss on the cheek making the lads bring out their fangs

"Lads its okay! that was my move not Amber's" Zayn says instantly taking his hands off of me making me feel naked

"Okay let's get out of the ladies room before someone sees you" I say as the same Chinese lady slowly opens the bathroom door, then screams.

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