Casey? Chp 8

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Before I start, there is a picture of Amber Bieber 👆 Thank you guys for all of the likes & comments. I'm so jelly ! She's gorgeous !

Zayn's Pov~~~~~

Me and the lads decided to go to the mall to surprise Amber with a couple of outfits.

"Let's go in this store" Harry says pointing and dragging Niall with him

"But I'm hungry!" Niall says whining and pouting

"Gosh , yall act like a bunch of 5 year olds" Liam says

"And you don't ?" I say smirking then walking in the direction Harry and Niall went.

"Sometimes , I need a moment." Liam says laughing then running to catch up.

End of Zayns Pov******

"Guys, this dress is beautiful , and I've seen Ambers taste in Fashion. This is totally her" Louis says picking it up and holding it to himself.

Two girls pass by looking at him, smirking with a little girly laugh

"Lou , stop acting gay" Zayn says laughing, taking the dress from him and putting it in a cart .

"Your so mean" Louis says pouting looking for more clothes

Amber Pov*********

I wake up to a note by my side .

"Goodmorning Love , We hope you've had all the beauty sleep you need. We just wanted to let you know that we will be at the mall for a couple of hours, but we'll be back soon. Your breakfast is in the microwave, & do not repeat NOT open the door for anyone. We miss your beautiful face . Love , The Lads."

I smileas I read the note, until I saw breakfast . I dropped that note so fast, that I was eating within 3.2 seconds .

I come back and read the rest of the note.

I turn on American Horror Story on Netflix and eat my Pancakes as I hear a knock on the door .

I jump as I grab the nearest baseball bat and look out the window. I didn't see anyone so I head for the door . I felt hesitated to open , but as soon as I do , I start swatting with the bat

"Woah , Woah, Amber Calm down!" Zany says dodging every swing .

"Never scare me like that again!" I say laughing so hard to the point that im coughing

"We got you something" Harry says holding up 3 bags of clothes

"And I got you something" Zayn says pulling out Starbucks

"I literally love you guys so much!" I say as I hug each and every one of them

"Ha , we love you too" they all say at the same time kinda creeping me out

"Well what are you waiting on! Go try on everything ! We want to see ." Louis says plopping on the couch

"American Horror story !? That's my favorite !" Louis says eating a piece of bacon off of my plate

"Gee thanks for taken my food" I say as I set the baseball bat down, grab the bags of clothes and run upstairs

The first thing I grab was this dress that had a beautiful design

"So what do you guys think?" I say as I twirl around and give them a pose

"You look beautiful Amber" they all say at the same time

"Okay yall have to stop doing that" I say laughing running upstairs

End Of Amber Pov****

We all sit there until we hear a knock on the door .

Zayn was the first one to answer the door .

"Casey!?" Zayn says surprised

"Zayn!! I missed you so much" Casey says hugging him as Zayn pushes her away

"What's wrong ?" She says as she comes closer smiling

"I broke up with you a year ago Casey" Zayn says putting on a straight face

"Can we not be friends ?" Casey says grabbing lipstick out of her pocketbook and putting it on

"No" Zayn says trying to shut the door

"Ouch!" Casey says falling pretending she was hurt

"Gosh Casey I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you that hard" Zayn says holding out a hand to help her up laughing at the same time

As soon as she gets up , she goes in for a kiss .

"Hey guys how does this look!" Amber says walking down the stairs in the middle of them kissing .

Zayn pulls away as fast as he could , he didn't like the kiss whatsoever. He looks over to Amber who is crying , as she runs up the stairs

"AMBER !" Zayn says as he chases after her

"You didn't tell me about this girl" Casey says walking in smirking

"CASEY GET OUT ! Gosh you caused enough damage to my life" Zayn says pushing her out the door , and slamming it in her face

Sorry guys ! I haven't been Writing since September of last year ! I promise this year will be a year of a lot of updating and new books to read! I thank you guys for not unfollowing & taking back your likes . I literally love you guys so much! Sorry that this was a short chapter! Ttyl . 😘💘

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