A New Future

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How many times am i gonna black out, after everything important happens? I open my eyes. It looks like i'm in an abandoned building. I can hear voices right behind the door. The floor looks so cold. I'm dreading when i'll haft to get up. Suddenly the voices become clearer.

"When is she going to wake up. You can't expect us to keep a dead body, can you?" says a female voice. She's clearly un-happy.

"I know, I know, but Travis says she's still breathing. You can' t just expect me to throw a living person out can you?" a male voice answers, mocking the female.

"Well, Travis is an idiot what would he even know anyway. I 'm going to look for myself" she says. i hear her grab and twist the knob. The door creaks open. I look to see her.

She's tall, and beautiful. She has Long blond hair, and silver eyes. Her fingers are tipped with stone it seems. I stare, wondering who she even is? I don't remember much, i only remember what i forgot might have been important. 

"So you are alive, well whoopty-doo"she says,"My name is Cynthia Fitswilliam. You have already met my brother, Alex. Your welcome, by the way. If it wasn't for me your ass would be dead" She doesn't seem very happy to be meeting me. As a matter of fact it seems like i am the biggest annoyance in her life.

"Thank you, for saving me, from what exactly?"i question having no fucking clue what the hell she's talking about.

"All that work and your ass doesn't even remember"she laughs,"Goes to show what being nice gets you" she turns away from me and leaves. Alex passes her and walks up next to me.

"You okay shorty, you may or may not have gotten stabbed, by a shadow none the less. Anyway, don't mind Cynthia she's never in a good mood. How ya feeling?"He's being really nice to me. I don't like that.

"I'm good i guess, except for the fact, i don't remember may or may not being stabbed. Plus how in the fuck does one get stabbed by a shadow?Hmm?"I say

"Long story, shorty" is all Alex responds with. A few awkward minutes pass, then a boy rushes in. He's almost as tall as me. He has white hair, and almost crystal-like white eyes. His skin is extremely pale too.

"Oh, you're actually awake."He squeals,"I thought Cynthia was being a bitch and messing with me. But look you're not dead. I WAS RIGHT!!" he yells the last part.

"This loud idiot is Travis, he's the one who's been keeping you alive-ish."Alex says, answering all my mental questions. Travis stares at me with such curiosity, i'm wondering if i should run before he cuts me open. He even has a mad glint in his eyes. He smiles at me, his smile is so bright and happy, like a child's. I attempt to stand up, and figure out how bad of an idea that was. A searing sharp pain strikes my stomach, sending pain throughout my body. Flashes appear before my eyes. A dark man, with shadows wrapped around him, then the blade in my body. His cold words ring in my head 

" But her soul took refuge in you, now you have her powers, her personality, her emotions, her face, even her voice. She fights, when you fight. So now i haft to kill both of you, before you become a problem"

i shiver remebering the events. Something hot and sticky, warms my cold hands. The wound is bleeding.

"Crap her wound re-opened, i didn't actually think she'd move today" Travis calls running around frantically. He rummages through some drawers then pulls out a long thing of bandage. Umm i need to you, umm know. Umm re dress your wound, but umm. Cynthia did it last time, because well,umm"His awkwardness makes me laugh,"It's not funny, can you just" He motions at me. I realize that my bandages go all the way up to armpits. I have some on my shoulders too. I lift up my shirt a little, and poke at the bleeding wound. I wince.

"I can talke it off myself, should hurt less"I say casually. I try unwrapping it, but end up almost crying. I bite the inside of my cheek. I finally get it all off. Blood mixed with black ooze start to spill out.

"Umm, alex would you be so kind as to bring that water over there"Travis says, pointing to a large bucket. Alex walks and hands it to him. Slowly he cleans all the black out. His face is bright red, he looks even redder because of his pale skin. It's not like i flashed him my boobs or anything. Then i notice Alex cheeks arev a little red too.

"What?" i snap.

"Nothing" Travis says quickly.

"Nothing is't just that you're about to flash both of us, shorty"Alex mutters turning away. I pull my shirt down quickly, seeing that i pulled it up a little much.

"Here i can bandage myself"I say, and snatch the bandage, turning very red too. I turn around and bandage myself up. When i turn around Travis is still staring at me.

"Ok, you can stop starring at me now. Sorry about that incident."I say, rushing the words out of my mouth.

"Sorry, you're just really pretty. I mean you look so much like Anatalya, and she was just beautiful. My original knew her, so i get flashes of memories, and she's in them sometimes." He speaks this so quietly, like it's a secret.

"You both can leave now"I say wondering ehat they're both still doing here. 

"Oh yeah right"Travis says awkwardly, stumbling to the door. Alex just nods then follows. I lay down on the mat.

That was humiliating. Honestly, they're just trying to help you, and then you go and flash them. You're not exactly little miss a-cup. I face palm at my idiocy. You need to get up, go back home. 

I stand up and immediately regret it. The pain happens again, i clutch my side, it's not bleeding thankfully. I see my shoes by the door. Slowly i edge over to the door, and painfully put on my shoes. I open the door, it creaks as i push it open. I was right about this place being abandoned. It looks like a hotel, where i was, was like a closet. I edge down the hall, every step comes with a fresh pain. I don't think i'm thinking very clearly. I hear voices behind a big wooden door to my right. I stumble over to it and push. Inside is some of the transfers, Travis, and Cynthia. They're a large comfy lounge.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING UP!?"Cynthia roars across the room. She seems more worried than angry. Her yelling shocks me and i jolt back a little.

"Why are you yelling Cynthia, do you realize how fucking late it is" A girl yells walking up behind. I recognize her red hair, Cheria. I didn't notice she was there and i almost jump back again.

Travis rushes over to me, and puts one arm under me and helps me walk to a large red sofa.

"Cynthia, look you scared her. I have enough to deal with, beside trauma."Travis says sternly.

"Sorry, but seriously after all that trouble does she want to die or something"Cynthia retorts.

I feel really exhausted from walking all the way down the hall. The transfers all look at me. Their faces range from worried to annoyance to anger. 

"Cynthia what is with your goddamn yelling" A tired looking Alex shuffles into the room. He has bed-head and is rubbing his eyes. He spots me on the couch."WHAT IN THE YELL IS SHE DOING UP" he yells. I jolt up the yelling scaring me again. "Sorry" He mumbles, as Travis gives him a dirty look.

"Well now that your here might as well tell you about this place" Cynthia walks up behind me."This run  down piece of shit hotel, is our home. All of the misfits' home. Each of us is like you, with a weird reincarnation hand me down power. We all live here, because our families abandoned us. Much like the owners abandoned this building. This is our refugee camp. We all go to school together, to learn about ourselves, but a certain problem occurred there. Anyways, this can be your home too."She tells me. She reaches out her hand,"Welcome to the world of the lost".

Everyone smiles. I take her hand, and pull myself into a new future.

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