A Bad First Day

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Chapter 1- A bad first day

My name is Elaine Garlette. I have no friends, my family tries to hide my existence. Plus i'm terrible at school. I'm everything you'd never want. The only reason i'm like this is because i'm 'special'. More like cursed. I was born a normal human girl, then when i was four, vines grew around my arms and legs.I had to wear baggy clothes, hide my entire body. My family hid me from the world. I have an older sister,Marietta, who ignores me, or calls me a monster. My mother says she loves me, but tells everyone she has only one daughter. They even gave me different last name from theirs. I am Elaine Garlette, instead of Elaine Queen. Most families would embrace me, try to help me. Sadly i was born into a rich, political family.My father is the mayor of my shitty town, Fairview. They wanted a perfect family, they didn't want me the imperfection. I was home schooled for the longest time then, last year my teacher quit. I was enrolled at Fairview high school as a freshman. This year i am a sophomore. The first day is always the worst day, but i never knew how bad today would be.

"Wake up, Wake up, Wake up" Samantha, my 'keeper', screeches into my ear. She turns the bright lights on. Then shakes me vigorously.

"I am up, Samantha, i am alive please leave" i try to say politely, but it comes out very rudely.

"Hmp. Well i didn't need the attitude, but i have your uniform right here" she says shoving the clothes into my arms and hurrying off.

Yea, my special uniform. Most girls wear skirts and the short sleeve shirts, but not me. I have thick black tights i wear under my skirt. And a thick black long sleeved shirt under my school shirt. I am seriously amazed how i haven't died of heat stroke yet. I put it on as quick as i can, and run downstairs. Instead of wishing me well, or saying have a nice day, my father nods at me. My mother comes over to me and say,"Remember, don't let any one see you, and don't lose control." she says sternly. She can't even pretend she loves me.

A car comes around to bring me to school. I hop in the very back seat. My sister would ride with me, except she insisted, that i'll kill her. Now she has her own car to be an asshole in. I lean back and sigh. My long brown hair falls to my knees. I never cut it, i like the length,plus when i get bored in class i can braid it. I look out the window. There are dark clouds, and feels a little muggy. Great, i think, I forgot my umbrella oh, well. It's too late now. We arrive at my school. The big faded letters at the top og the building says 'Welcome to Faiview High'. I get out of the car and head into the front office to see my homeroom. It's crowded like every first day. A voice rings though the office, one of the desk ladies has stood up.

"Everyone please calm down, all freshman please head to the auditorium for orientation. All sophomores go to the gym for an announcement. The rest come up here and find your home room." She announces loudly.

I start to head down to the gym. It's packed too. Chairs have been set up, i find a seat farthest from the general population of my fellow class idiots. The principal, comes in front of us. 

"Welcome, Welcome. I have a special announcement for all of you today. We are going to be taking some kids from a another private school that is under renovation, into our sophomore class. We have 10 students up here, from Annelbuea high school. I hope you will show them kindness. To help them get the gist of the school we have assigned them partners. If i call you're name please come up here and join with your partners." he tells us, " Firstly, Annabella Fortescue" a short girl with vivid black hair walks up from the group of ten. She has weird, purplish eyes. " Will be paired up with our own, Jamie, Heartst" Jamie walks up he is very tall and thick. He plays for our basketball team. He looks very pleased to be getting that girl as his partner. And it continues

Two more girls are called up, twins. Cheria, and Kenzie. They look almost exactly alike with pale skin and bright brown eyes. Except Kenzie has long red pigtails with purple on the tips. Cheria has short hair, that's also red, but lighter. Kenzie is paired with Nataylia Crester. Cheria goes to Jenny Novik.

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