Death by Cupcake

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It was raining heavily that day. Thunder and lightning were raging outside. Due to the heavy rain, the electrics went out. I pulled the blanket up to my shoulder as I wrap myself like a burrito. I'm suppose to visit my parents that day but I had to do that another day as I caught a fever. My head felt dizzy and I really wish the pain would go away.

As I was lying on the sofa, my stomach growled, pleading to be fed. I remembered I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I really want to ignore it but my stomach kept on throwing a tantrum. I lazily got up and make my way to the kitchen. It's a good thing the kitchen are not that far, it's a small house anyway. A perfect place for a girl who's independent enough to live by herself.

I opened the refrigerator and I too out a cupcake. I remembered my friend gave me that cupcake yesterday, but I haven't made the time to eat it. Since it's the only food that need no time preparing, I placed it on the dining table and get a spoon. After I sat down, I just stared at the cupcake for a while- waiting for my appetite to come.

It was like that for a while, before I picked up the spoon. I was about to take a bite of that cupcake when a knock was heard on my front door. I pondered for a minute before I got up and walk towards the door. I opened the door and there stood a man, draped in cloak and hood.

" I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, but may I took shelter in your home and warm myself up?" he said. To be honest, I really didn't want to let him in. I mean, who would let a stranger inside their home at night.

Some part of me wants to close the door, but another part of me felt sorry for the man as he was shivering. He might catch a cold if I let him out in the rain. I hesitated before replying,

" Sure. Come in." I moved a little to the side, making way for him to come in.

" Thanks." he said with a kind smile. His eyes wondered about my house then landed on my face.

" Neat house." he said. I smiled and nodded. I noticed his clothes are soaked and he's still shivering, I offered to dry his jacket and told him to sit at the dining table while I go get him another blanket for him to cover up. He didn't say much and do as he was told. I put this jacket in the washing machine and spin it to get rid of the water. Then I went in my room to get a blanket, I pondered for a while, the blanket feels a bit cold. I then decided to switch the blanket and let him wear the one that was wrapping my body since it's warmer.

I went back to the kitchen and gave him the blanket. He thanked me as he wrap himself. I then sat at the other side of the small dining table, facing him. We said nothing, it was quiet for a few minutes when he struck a conversation.

" Thanks for the blanket." he said with a smile.

" No problem." I replied. Then it was quiet again. I took that time to look at the man sitting in front of me. His dark black hair were a little messy, he got a fair skin and a handsome face. He looks to be in his 20's and black might be his favourite colour- since he's dressed in all black.

My eyes then dropped down on the plate in front of him. To my surprise, it was empty. And there's only one place that cupcake could have gone; his stomach. He ate my cupcake, I can only sigh to that.

" I should get going now." he said as he stood up. He walked towards me and handed me the blanket. I can only smile and nod. My headache was not gone completely.

" Would you like to escort me to the front door?" he said as he hand out his right hand to me. I was confused at first and didn't knew how to react so I just froze. It didn't took him long before he casually grabbed my left hand and helped me to stand out. It's not like he forced me to stood up, he was gentle doing so and we walked side by side towards the front door.

I blushed along the way as his grip felt warm. Then, the weirdest thing happened. The moment he let go of my hand, something left my body. I can't point out what it was, but I felt more healthy and less dizzy than before. I was so caught up at that moment to the point that I forgot he was still standing there.

" You okay?" he asked with a small chuckle.

" I feel, fine. Like I was never sick." I replied with a big smile. Then we let out a laugh.

" That's because I took it from you." he said between his laughter. I stopped laughing after he said that, feeling confused. What does he mean by that? He noticed my sudden change and continued,

" I am not who you think I am, or what you think I am," he paused, letting me to swallow the information, " ...I am Death. And I came here to do my job, which is to take your life." The lightning struck that exact moment, giving him the look of something inhuman. I didn't know how to react, so I stood there, frozen.

" Remember that cupcake you were about to eat? It was filled with peanut butter filling and you are allergic to it. So just one bite of that deadly cupcake, you are gone."

My legs felt numb and I collapsed to the ground. Tears started to fall from my eyes. It was hard for me to digest what he just said and all I could do at that point was to cry.

" I'm suppose to get this done and over with it, but I decided to give you one last chance to live, and that is why I came knocking on your door." he squatted until his eye level are the same as mine, " Just imagine it, if you didn't let me in, you would have eaten that cupcake but since you put my need ahead of yours, you are given the chance to see tomorrow." I looked at him in the eye, trying to take it all in.

" This world need more people like you. The ones who put others need before their selves. And I'm grateful you're one of those people, so thank you- for letting me in your humble home, and drying my clothes, and most important of all, letting me know you are worth saving." he said.

He held me by my shoulder and help me up. He also wiped my tears with his thumb, slightly making me blush. For some unknown reason, he got his jacket back- the one that I put in the washing machine before.

" Keep on doing good." he said as he pat my head as if he's patting a cat.

" I will." I replied.

" Good girl." he said with a small smile, " I'll see you again, someday..." that was the last word he said before making his way back from where he came. I felt a slight of happiness, and a smile hang on my lips. It was rare for me to meet someone who's about to take my life, it was something that happen once in a lifetime. If I could, I wish I could, I never wanted to see him again. But, like it or not, I will see him again, someday.

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