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My scars have resurfaced in a way I couldn't have imagined. You would be bewildered by the things I've done ever since you left, to be honest, I went all out. I did daring acts, went on crazy adventures, and made immense mistakes. Basically, I did everything you would be proud of, but disapprove of as well. Trust me when I tell you, I'm living it through some things that have happened. I smile more and am able to breathe freely. In a way, when you left, I found something more precious. These are the good things now listen to where it gets tough, I have been pushed, punched, and beaten many times, yet here I stand with the smile you supposedly loved so much. These scars I tried so hard to hide have shown up out of nowhere and I am bruised, it hurts, so, tell me why I'm so fine with it?

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