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A shrill scream rang out through the Gates of Hell, echoing in ominous symphony. Thunder roared across the ashy sky. Moans escaped the throats of millions inside the burning lakes of fire and the air stank of blood, but many miles away, in a black onyx castle sitting atop a spindly mountain crag, there was much celebration. “A child is born!” “An heir is here!” “Let all the levels of Hades hear this news!” was shouted throughout the castle. Lying somewhere in the castle was a woman smiling down at her child sleeping peacefully in her arms. By her side was a towering, massive beast of a man. He had raven hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to sear into the depths of the soul and right now those eyes were looking down upon his son.

“What shall we name him?” he said in a deep, gravelly voice.

The woman, a sweet faced woman with sad looking eyes, replied, “Lucas. His name shall be Lucas.” The man nodded his head in approval.

“It suits him well. Now, my dear, I have much to attend to. Will you be alright by yourself?” The woman nodded her head, motioning towards the door. “Yes, yes I am fine. Do not worry about me. Go do what you must.” She said, and with one last sweeping gaze towards the boy, the man left.

The man walked down the halls of his castle, energy crackling with each footstep. A dark aura seemed to cling to him and made anyone near him take a step back. He was ruler; he was in charge; he was Satan himself. All is well. He thought to himself with a smirk. He entered the throne room and sat in all of his splendor, looking down upon his deathly realm. Just as he reached for a glass of wine, a woman’s shriek rang through the halls and his heart stopped. He leapt up and ran to his wife’s room, fearing the worst. He stopped cold at the sight that met him. A wicked looking dagger protruded from the woman’s chest, her face fixed in an open-mouthed scream. Blood covered the fine sheets on the bed. As he approached the woman, his worst fears were confirmed. The child was nowhere to be found.


Ok, so on the side in multimedia we see a super awsome banner the was just made for me! THANKS SO MUCH! So I feel like this is WAYYY too short but I wanted to add it in! I wrote all this super fast and its WAY unedited so please bare with me! Also, because this book was inspired by Blue Exorcist and the new theme song for this book is Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab, I found a mash up of both of those things so check it out>>>>>

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