Chapter One - I'm a sucker for trouble

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm went on endlessly, signaling the beginning of another day. I spun out of bed, ready to take on the world. As I landed, I banged my head against my bedside table. Or not…

“Luke! Get your butt out of bed and get ready for school! You’re going to miss the bus and I sure as heck ‘aint driving you there!” My foster mom, a feisty black priestess named Agatha called up to my room.

“What’s new?” I muttered under my breath and began the mind-numbing morning routine.

Yes, earlier you heard me right. I was adopted. The workers at the orphanage said I just one day popped up at their door, still a baby. I have no earthly idea who my real parents are and really don’t care. Although Agatha has quite a temper in the morning, to me she is my one and only mom. For as long as I can remember, it was just me and her. We’d seen the ugly side of life, but somehow we managed to squeeze through every sticky situation at the last moment. It was hard but it was life and I honestly wouldn’t trade it up for anything…except maybe an Xbox.

I pondered my non-existent gamer life as I walked the well-worn path to Richard Cox Highschool. As I rounded the curb and came in sight of the dreary prison c…erm…school building, I began to steel myself for what I knew was coming. And 3…2…

“LUCAS!” Right on time.

The biggest, meanest, smelliest boy in the whole state of Florida started sauntering towards me looking mad as a hornet! Oh boy. I took a deep breath and spoke before he could,

“What do you want this time, Pete?” His head looked ready to burst, it was so red!

“Oh nothing. Nothing at all, except that last paper I had you do for me for English got me in detention!” He fumed. I merely shrugged.

“You just said to do it. You really didn’t specify as to what I should write about.” Our assignment had been to write a paragraph about our favorite pastime. (I know; kindergarten much?) Pete bullied me into doing his homework. Who wouldn’t resist exacting a little revenge? I can honestly say it was the most fun I’ve had doing homework ever. I put on my puppy dog face. “You didn’t like it? I worked real hard.” Pete gripped the front of my shirt with his meaty fist.

“You think this is funny, eh?” He breathed in my face and it took every fiber of my being not to cringe. Please people of America, invest in some toothpaste! It makes a difference! Pete bore holes in my forehead with his stare. “I’m gonna make you pay double for what you did to me, Trover.” He said in a deadly whisper. I gulped. This was going to hurt, a lot.  Just as he raised his fist, the bell rang, sounding that we were officially late for first period. He gruffly pushed me away and began to stalk off. “This ‘aint over kid.” He yelled, not bothering to turn around. I exhaled loudly. Talk about saved by the bell! Quickly grabbing my backpack from where it had fallen off, I raced through the doors and to my first class, math.

Why, I ask, must they put math at first period? We students have not yet awoken. Mix that with a subject that makes the average person want to conk out, and you’ve got a classroom full of sleeping people who end up flunking the class, that’s what! I’m pretty sure it’s all part of the Principals master plan to keep us in school forever. Why, I should—

“Well, how nice of you to join us, Mr. Trover.” A wily voice pierced through my daydreams, dripping in sarcasm. My math teacher, Mr. Deaveroux, stood tapping his foot while I stood outside his classroom, staring at nothingness like an idiot. What a great day this is turning out to be… “Have a seat, but this is my last warning. Late again, and I will have you cleaning my room for the next two weeks in detention.” He said with a sigh of exasperation. I nodded and began walking backwards to my seat.

Why me? The thought resounded through my head and pounded in my ears. A wise hobbit once said,

"Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you!” Well see, Mr. Hobbit sir, I’ve tried that and it really just doesn’t work. It’s as if I’m a magnet for doom and gloom without even trying! I brush my teeth! I clean behind my ears! Why does fate keep acting as if I’m on the naughty list? The answer is simple: Life just isn’t fair. Period.

I heard someone clear their throats and snapped out of my inner thoughts, finding myself face to face with Mr. Deaveroux. With a scowl he said,

“Since you seem to be paying rapt attention, Mr. Trover, why don’t you tell us what the answer is to the question I just asked?” I gulped.

“Erm…God only knows?” I said with a nervous laugh. He turned to face the class.

“Well can ‘god’ please give us the answer then?” Mr. Deaveroux said with a bored tone. A taunting laugh rang through the room and one of the girls in the front of the class answered.

“The square root of 23 plus or minus 5 is as low as we can simplify it.” The girl said with a smug grin, looking back at me. Someone muttered,

"Lord help us if she’s god…” And more snickers filled the room. I almost felt bad for the girl. Then she promptly turned around her chair to face me and flipped me off. Almost, but not quite. Sighing, I tuned out of the lesson and waited for the class to end.


Ok, so I'm still working on this obviously. It's kinda in experimenting mode. LEAVE COMENTS IF YOU THINK I SHOULD CONTINUE! Oh and if you want to see the beautifulness that makes up Lucas then check out the multimedia! <3 And I must say, what music adds better to a demon story then Black Butler!!! GOOD ANIME!

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